Friday, November 6, 2015

A Good Mystery


Daily Gratitude Year 3-Day 309: Today, I am grateful for a good mystery.  

I am one of those kids who picked up a Nancy Drew in 2nd grade and fell in love with the mystery.  I went on to read The Hardy Boys...Trixie Belden...and, today, still enjoy the mystery genre from Catherine Coulter to Evanovich and including newer authors on the scene like M. K. Gilroy.  

I love the twists and the the turns... and finally getting to an answer. A mystery is a reading roller coaster ride.  Since I get motion sick, this is my preferred method over the traditional theme park ride. 🙂

Maybe that is why I find it easier than some to come to terms with the unknown will of God, until the plan unfolds.  I like the mystery.  If I can't change it...then I must embrace it and ride it out. Sometimes it is blessings beyond measure and other is a storm to ride out holding tight to his promises.  The BIG PICTURE is His and my little, life story somehow plays a part.  Crazy, right? Amazing, too.

This was my verse of the day:

Ephesians 1:9-10: "making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth."

Time for a dissection to dig a little deeper: 

"making known to us" - sometimes He reveals things to us 

"the mystery of his will"-sometimes His will is a mystery

"according to his purpose"- sometime His purpose is unclear

"which he set forth in Christ"- Christ was, is and will be the catalyst

"as a plan"- there is a plan

"for the fullness of time,"- in His time...not our time

"to unite all things" - it all fits together...but for not is a puzzle

"in him"-IN HIM...not to...or from..or with...but wrapped up IN HIM 

"things in heaven" - things I do not know, see or understand

"and things on earth." - things I may know- but may not understand

I believe he works all things together for the good of those who love Him.  Loving Him changes what is "good".  The goals and purpose of our season here takes a plot twist when we learn to love Him with wild abandon and embrace loving our neighbor with no expectation of reciprocation.  

To be at the center of His will will means "plot twists" happen.  In the end... hindsight provides 20/20 vision. If you stand today, looking back on a situation and the reasons are still unclear, it is good to remember...this is not the end.  

Today, I will choose to be grateful for a good mystery and the mystery of this life as it unfolds by His hand. Let us embrace the "plot twists" and keep turning the pages.