Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Others Prisoners Were Listening


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 151- Today, I am grateful to be reminded "the other prisoners were listening."

When we can't change a circumstance or a trial, we can only walk through it. The good news is we are never alone. 

This week, a scripture came with an additional reminder... "and the other prisoners were listening."

Acts 16:25 is a passage we sang about when I was a child. The words are etched on my heart 50 years later. 

"Paul and Silas were in jail. Bail they could not raise. The jailors calling, 'The walls are falling!' Keep singing songs of praise. (Chorus) Singing songs of praise. Singing songs of happiness. Dark the day. Light your way. Keep singing sons of praise!"  

Paul and Silas had no idea what was coming next. Paul had already adopted the attitude that he could not lose. If God delivered them from their troubles, he would be free to spread the gospel a little longer. If angry, hateful men delivered him to the arms of Jesus, Paul still wins. Earth would feel the loss, but for Paul, the only real threat in front of him was the suffering he incurred from people afraid of the Gospel.

"Along about midnight, Paul and Silas were at prayer and singing a robust hymn to God. The other prisoners couldn’t believe their ears. Then, without warning, a huge earthquake! The jailhouse tottered, every door flew open, all the prisoners were loose." -Act 16:25 (The Message)

Discomfort and suffering are life changing. Discomfort and suffering can be physical and/or emotional. Discomfort and suffering are a  part of this world. They can be faith-breaking or faith-building. We cannot always choose our circumstances, but we do choose our response.

 Paul and Silas chose to pray out loud and sing songs of praise. They knew the fullness of the Holy Spirit surrounded them and they could not help but pray and sing. The fact that the other prisoners were listening became a huge part of their testimony and a big part of the story.  

When an "earthquake" shook the walls of the prison, throwing open the doors, and breaking their chains, they could have run. They chose to stay.  Lives were changed that night. The jailor chose to follow "The Way." Prayers were answered. 

We do not know the rest of the story about the other men in prison that night. We do know they were watching and listening to how Paul and Silas managed their troubles. We know the jailor and his house were saved. We do not know what happened to the rest of the prisoners that night. We do know they were listening. They heard the Good News. They could accept or reject Jesus.  

As a child, I focused on them being beaten for their belief in Jesus. It was scary stuff to imagine being physically hurt for believing in Jesus. As a child, I missed the best part of this story. Paul and Silas were not bound by their circumstances or their chains, because their souls were free! 

Today, I am grateful to be reminded "the other prisoners were listening." 

His Great Might


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 150- Today, I am grateful to be reminded of "His great might." 

In the still and the fullness of the hours between sunset and sunrise, I savor the reminders of "His great might." 

A friend posted this picture. The image immediately led my heart to this verse that is a forever favorite:

Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing. -Isaiah 40:6 (ESV)

Sometimes, we need real reminders that each one of us matters to Him. Counted and called. He does it by the "greatness of His might!" His might, not ours. This verse is one of my favorite "anti-anxiety" scriptures.  

The link will take you to the verse in most English translations. I have a  hard time choosing a favorite. 

There is no situation he does not see. There is no circumstance that goes unnoticed. There is no medical test, family situation, financial trial, relationship struggle, or health concern that misses His attention. No, not even one! 

The enemy wants us to feel small and insignificant. Our Mighty God reminds us that He alone numbers the stars and calls them by name. 

Every. Single. One. 
Every. Single. Time. 
Deep breath. Look to the stars. He's got this. 

Today, I am grateful to be reminded of "His great might." 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 149- Today, I am grateful to be reminded of the high cost of freedom. 

If we are not intentional about remembering, we will forget. (Long post warning...you know the drill...skip it or grab the coffee cup and join me on the journey.)

Freedom isn't free...somebody pays the price. Memorial Day has a bit of an unorganized history. Decorating the graves of loved ones is an ancient custom in many cultures. Loved ones gone, but never forgotten. The roots here in the USA seem to be Post-Civil War, catching on after President Lincoln's assassination. It has evolved into what we know as "Memorial Day" .

This quote from James A. Garfield is from one of the first gatherings at Arlington Cemetery to remember those who gave all for country, freedom and family:

“We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”
- James A. Garfield May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery

Yes...they go for the country, but what is a country? It is a diverse population of people seeking to live life to the best of their abilities with the resources, beliefs, opportunities, education, talents and gifts they possess. This country is a true melting pot. It is most beautiful when we blend together as brothers and sisters. 

Being "American" has less to do with our roots...and ethnicity...and more to do with our choices and the Constitution that binds us together by our Creator, although we may worship him in different houses and in different ways. 

Our ancestors...our forefathers and foremothers of this nation... came in different ways, but they came. The first arrivals discovered there were people already here. Different from them in so many ways...yet they shared meals, loved their families and worked hard to survive. Not really so different, until power, greed, and self-interest seeded wars. 

Today... more than 250 years after the earliest ships arrived in the "New World" and discovered they were not alone. Our blending of this nation continues. It isn't always easy when we come from so many different places and belief systems. Still, here we are in this vast land we call the United States of America. We have grown together to make this place our own. We are at our finest when we lay down our differences, bandage the wounded, comfort hurting, and holding hands. Justice and mercy are sisters.

The older I get...the more I am offended by the things that put up walls between us. We can't "right an old wrong" by creating and indulging new ones that...in essence...do the same thing. If we don't learn from the mistakes in our history...we are doomed to repeat them. Only courageously choosing forgiveness brings real healing, for both the offender and the offended. 

Our forefathers...our grandparents...our aunts and uncles...our brothers and sisters...our sons and daughters...neighbors and teachers have offered their bodies as living sacrifices to the cause of freedom. We have made mistakes...some of them horrific...but we have saved lives and preserved human life and dignity here and abroad. 

To see images of soldiers holding war's smallest victims in their arms always melts my heart. At Olivet (ONU), when the ROTC students are introduced and commissioned, they usually receive a standing ovation. That is respect and  honor. 

These are turbulent times. The diversity and sense of family in the armed forces is unique. When a "brother or a sister's" life depends on you...and vice-versa...a bond forms. One not easily forgotten or broken. Race, creed, home states...sure they each have roots...but together they are brothers and sisters of the armed forces. 

What causes us to put up barriers that divide, separate and hate? What is the root? Is it pride and arrogance? Is it jealousy or ambition? Is it unforgiven anger for wrongs that can't be righted... only forgiven? Are we blinded by "our own rights" that we step on the dignity of another, violating their most basic human rights? Is it lack of understanding because we have never "walked a mile in another man's moccasins"? Is it greed and power? 

What about us...as believers in Christ? 

Galatians 5:13 states: 
"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Called to be free...but not indulgent or reckless. We were called to "serve one another humbly in love." Easier said than done, right?

Then in verse Galatians 5:22-23: 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."

When I look in the mirror today, what is my spirit fruit? Some days I see the good things He is doing, when I allow His spirit to move and work within. Then, there are other days...at the end of the day...I don't even want to look in the mirror, let alone review the things I have thought, said, and done. 

I am a work in progress today... and everyday... and praise God he is not finished with me yet!

This passage has an amazing finish with verses 24-26. 
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."

Let's dig deeper into that one:
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." Those who believe belong. Those who belong have been crucified with Him. He took the nails. He paid the price so we could have the benefit and the freedom from self destructive passions and desires. He nailed them to the cross so I might be free!

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." If we live by the Spirit and the Spirit lives in us...we can and will "keep step with the Spirit". I love that line. Like the beautiful cadence of souls marching together to the beat, rate, and rhythm of HIS Spirit as we seek to be like him. Think of it as a marching band...or an infantry of believers keeping step. Love that!

"Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." As...this is not who or what we were called to be. These things are not LOVE and these things are not of God...who is love.

He wants us to be free...truly free...as we were called to be. We are called up to the Army of the Lord to spread the gospel. We are called to share and preserve the freedom we have in Him. We are ordered to wear love, justice, and mercy. 

I recently heard someone speaking about some of the current struggles facing our nation internally. He noted that as nations go, we are still very, very young. We think we are "mature", but we are really in our "adolescence" as a country. Sometimes we make bad choices and those choices have consequences. It is a rough season, but demise is not our destiny if we remember who created us, who loves us, and choose to love each other. 

We must remember who we are, and who we are under. The Constitution is a letter from our ancestors to help remind us where we came from, who created us and guides us, and reminds us who we want to be.  

Today...I am grateful...on this end of Memorial Day Weekend...for freedom and the chance to reflect on what it really means to be free.

Today, I am grateful to be reminded of the high cost of freedom. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 148- Today, I am grateful for celebrations.

The long Memorial Day weekend is one that brings many anniversaries. So many family and close friends have married on the Saturday before Memorial Day. It makes sense for family and friends to travel with the extra weekend day on Monday. 

Tomorrow, my little brother, Matthew, and his beautiful bride, Jennifer, will mark their 30th wedding anniversary. 

It seems like yesterday they were just kids. They were so young and so in love. Love still looks good on them. 

Jennifer's Dad had passed away suddenly,  exactly three months before their wedding day. Her little brother, Jeff, stepped in to walk her down the aisle. I will never forget how Jeff seemed taller and older than his years that day, as he gave his big sister away. 

It was the last big family event before my sister, April, left for the service. We did not know it would be her last family gathering on earth. And, the youngest wedding attendee, Cullen Lithgow,  guest was just a few days old and his Uncle Danny, a groomsman, was so proud to show him off. And... it was Memorial Day weekend with all of the emotion it brings. 

One of my favorite verses was my "verse of the day"... one sweet Donna Roth and I quoted often to each other... captures it all is in a few words:

 "Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep." -Romans 12:15

If we do those two things, we get it right. Everything else falls into place. 

Don't miss the celebrations. Don't miss the tears. Share it all. Love big. Feel big. Yes, it means you open yourself up to big griefs, too, but love is 100% worth it! 

Matthew and Jennifer... so grateful for your love, your marriage, the family you made together, and that you are family. So grateful the Lindgren/Bess clans are tightly woven into the Hanson clan. 

Today, I am grateful for celebrations.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Favorite Love Stories

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 148- Today, I am grateful for our favorite love stories. 

Happy Anniversary to this beautiful example of love. Theirs is one of my favorite love stories.  

There are love stories all around us. Love is so much more than a feeling. It is an intentional decision to honor, respect, and cherish another human being. This pair does it so well. Just watching them makes me smile. 

"Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." -1 Peter 4:8

An anniversary is a special mile marker. It is a time to remember. It is a time to hope and dream of the future. It is a gift to add another year to the tally. 

Someone once wrote that "Marriage is a perfect commitment to an imperfect person." No one is perfect, but finding someone who is perfect for us is where the best love stories take root and grow into something strong and beautiful. 

Yes, their love story will always be one of my favorites. 

Today, I am grateful for our favorite love stories. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Persistent Prayer

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 147- Today, I am grateful for persistent prayer.

This week, this scripture means so much. A close friend who is battling cancer is faced with unexpected testing and unexpected waiting. This is exactly the scripture needed for this very day. 

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." -Ephesians 6:18  

What is persistent prayer? I think it is literally storming the throne room seeking His grace, peace, healing, help, mercy, forgiveness, and hope. 

We can make room for persistent prayer at the stoplight, when cleaning up dinner, when walking to the mailbox, driving to and from work, mowing the grass, and in the shower. For me, it often happens in the middle of the night. I like to think of it as the prayer "nightshift." He hears our prayers. 

Time spent in prayer is never wasted. 

Today, I am grateful for persistent prayer.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Sage Advice


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 146- Today, I am grateful for sage advice.

Wisdom is often summed up in a sentence or two. I love this:

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. -James 1:19 

If it were easy, the relationship experts would have no need to write books. Humans are messy... even when we are trying our best. 

Someone once noted that God created us with two hands, two ears, two eyes, and two feet, but His design only included one mouth and one tongue. What an interesting observation. 

Do I listen quickly? Do we listen with the intention of hearing what another person is saying, or do we listen with the intention of responding?

Am I slow to speak? Not always. 

Am I slow to anger? I try to be. I am intentional, but am often reminded that even when I control my tongue, the Lord knows my thoughts and my heart. That is enough to stop me in my tracks and bring me to my knees.

James is a short five chapter book in the New Testament. It is pretty intense at times. But don't let that scare you. James has been known to cause deep ponderings. It is full of sage advice for the journey here. 

Today, I am grateful for sage advice.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 145- Today, I am grateful for conviction.

When you know, you know. When you know something with conviction, there is a strange contentment, even if you are counter-culture or going against the flow. There is peace. Yes, peace. 

Peace is not something we can buy, create, or even inspire. Peace has a supernatural component that transcends what we understand with human limitations. 

This passage hit the right notes today:

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, nor our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:38-39 NLT

There is so much truth in these words. I know it in my heart. With conviction, I can sleep. Nothing can separate us from His love or His care, even in the darkest hours. 

Then I saw this quote that fit perfectly: 

"Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground." - Henry David Thoreau

No need to follow the crowd or do the popular thing. Do the right thing, with conviction. Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Winston Churchill, Corrie Ten Boom, Elisabeth Elliot, and so many others chose to be the nuts who stood their ground. They are the game changers and the life changers. 

I like nuts! 

Today, I am grateful for conviction.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

May: Affection and Honor Month


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 144- Today, I am grateful for "Affection and Honor" month. 

I am declaring May "Affection and Honor month." Do I have the power and authority? I'm not sure, but I know this... it is easy to fall into the trap of dreading the month of May. It can be as expensive as Christmas and as exhausting, too. 

Mother's Day, end of school programs and celebrations, graduations, weddings, school picnics, anniversaries, Armed Forces Day, Honor Flights to D.C., Memorial Day and more. The fun and the busy never seem to stop. 

Do you find yourself simply praying to make it through May?  June seems so far away when the calendar has no breathing room. 

Pause. Ponder. Repeat after me:

"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." -Romans 12:10 

Read it again. It was short. 

How I needed this passage today!!! My soul rejoices in the perfect timing of His Word. Let's dive deep into this verse. 

"Love!" Do it out loud!  Don't miss an opportunity  to say, "I love you." We do not know the number of our days or the number of days allotted to our loved ones. 

 "Each other." The sweetest love is reciprocal. 

"With genuine affection"... there is no need to fake it. Be real. Laugh together and cry together. 

"And take delight..." Embrace the moments. Hold on to the joy of the celebrations. Do not let the crazy schedule dull the sparkle of the special moments. 

"In honoring each other..." We honor the Father, too. 

My friends, this one's for me as much as it is for you. My heart is under conviction as I write this. Only I can choose my attitude. 

Make this May matter. Make it count.  Make more magical memories as you attempt to muddle through the mayhem.  

Show affection. Pour out honor. 

Today, I am grateful for "Affection and Honor" month.

Monday, May 22, 2023

No More Tears

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 143- Today, I am grateful there will be no more tears.

It is a passage that always brings comfort. It is a vision of things to come. This world is full of disappointment and sorrow. There are tears and there are fears. 

Do you ever feel all cried out? 

I must confess... this past week has been full of some happy tears. One young lady in particular who has been close to my heart since she was two, graduated from high school. It is one of those reminders that God writes our story.  Her spirit, her joy, and her healing are reasons to celebrate every single day. Not all tears are sad. Some spring from a heart full of gratitude.

Not every prayer is answered in a way that promises us we will escape loss, pain and sorrow. If that were the case, Jesus would have never gone to the cross. In those moments when we are completely broken, we find a strange quiet calm under the shelter of His wings, when we surrender and say, "Not my will, but thine be done." 

In this prophetic passage, there is hope and the promise of a future beyond our imagination. 

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” -Revelation 21:4

Today, I am grateful there will be no more tears.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Posted Warnings

 Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 142- Today, I am grateful for posted warnings.

Signage is always an added bonus when you are discovering someplace new. Signs can direct our path. Signs can keep us from losing our way. I love a good "posted warning" that allows me to make a better decision. 

The pastor who gave the message this morning referenced C. S. Lewis's , "The Screwtape Letters." This is a quote from the book:

“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,...Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.”

Are there times we miss the posted warnings simply because we refuse to read them? Or, perhaps, we don't take the warnings seriously. I don't swim in the ocean very often, but riptide warnings get my attention when I do. 

Without the posted warnings, we can be caught unaware. With the posted warnings, we can have head knowledge, but if we do not put it into action, it does us no good. Just like in this passage: 

"They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives." -Ezekiel 33:5

Be alert. Read the signs. Heed the warning. 

Today, I am grateful for posted warnings.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Fresh Air

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 141- Today, I am grateful for fresh air.

I am pretty sensitive to smells. It is a blessing and a curse. This week, I have taken the time to truly  relish the fresh air around me. The air smells green. It is gorgeous!

"The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air." - Song of Solomon 2:12

It was a perfect night for Graduation! 

Today, I am grateful for fresh air.

Friday, May 19, 2023

No Favoritism


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 140- Today, I am grateful for no favoritism. 

"But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness." -James 3:17-18 NLT 

I love this passage. It is challenging and comforting, all at the same time. There is much to unpack in these verses, but today the portion of the passage that says, "It shows no favoritism" captured my heart. 

One of the great mysteries of parenting is how our hearts expand with the birth of each child. We love them all equally and differently, no matter how many children we have. They are all unique, and we treasure whatever it is that makes each one special. 

In this passage, it associates showing no favoritism as a sign of wisdom. Sewing the seeds of kindness is how we begin to plant gardens of peace. 

Today, I am grateful for no favoritism. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Ceiling Fans

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 139- Today, I am grateful for ceiling fans!

My computer is not cooperating tonight, so this will be a short one. 

We love the season between furnace use and air conditioning. We have been blessed with a long spring this year so we have not yet turned on the air. 

One of the things that helps keep the air flowing is the ceiling fans in most rooms. They are practical and they are game changers. 

Today, I am grateful for ceiling fans!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I Don't have to Understand

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 138- Today, I am grateful I don't have to understand His ways. 

I love to ask questions. I always have. I probably drove the adults in my world crazy when I was little. It is a good thing I was kind of by myself in the middle of my Lindgren and Bess cousins until April, Dawn, Donna, and Angie came along. My aunts, uncles, and older Lindgren cousins were so patient with me when I was little. 

I remember looking at the people around me in awe of all that there was to be learned. I loved to listen to conversations, even when some of the content was beyond my understanding. Learning has always been a pleasure - but there are still so many things I don't understand. 

I love this verse:

"Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out. Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes." -Romans 11:33 (The Message)

Embrace the questions. Be content, even when understanding is elusive. Trust the One who holds today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows to come. 

Today, I am grateful I don't have to understand His ways. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

With Singing

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 137- Today, I am grateful "He rejoices over us with singing." 

Parents often sing over their children. Lullabies and silly songs are a normal part of childhood. Some songs make us joyful. Some make us dance. Others calm our nerves in scary times. Music is woven into so many at home moments when we are raising our children. 

I love this passage. 

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” -Zephaniah 3:17

He rejoices over us. How can we be silent? 

Today, I am grateful "He rejoices over us with singing." 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Timeless Mysteries

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 136- Today, I am grateful for timeless mysteries.

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. "Ecclesiastes 11:5

These are things we truly do not completely understand. We can know the process, and name steps in the journey, but there are still things unknown.

At what moment does the heartbeat begin? We cannot predict the exact moment. In fact, it gets earlier and earlier as technology becomes more sophisticated in measurement. A miracle every time.

 When will the wind change direction? How many times is the weatherman still wrong, even with so much more technology than we had even 50 years ago. Man can make a plan, but God directs our path and controls the winds. 

Over the weekend, I planted the first of the zinnias I will plant. The seed is so tiny. It looks like an arrowhead but it is so tiny. How does it come to life and grow into a beautiful flower from its hard, dead beginning? Again, it is a miracle every time. 

Our God is full of wonder.

Today, I am grateful for timeless mysteries.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day - My Treasure


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 133- Today, I am grateful for Mother's Day. 

My favorites. My heartbeat. My treasures. 

Together.  It is my favorite place to be. The pause and the playful moments are precious. 

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:21

Today, I am grateful for Mother's Day. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Flower Sellers


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 132- Today, I am grateful for the flower sellers.

This beautiful potted plant was created by a friend to give a special Mom in her life. I had to borrow the photo! She posted this thought I know several of you already embrace, "You will never see me getting up early to Black Friday shop but I will be first in line at Sunrise Greenhouse to buy plants this morning. It’s important to have your priorities straight."(Thanks, Deanne!) 

You know who the flower sellers are in your neighborhood. Some will end up at local farmer's markets. Some will pitch a tent in an empty lot. We are blessed to have several places to buy flowers here in our little village plus the local "plant ladies and gentlemen." 

Today, I have already been to three places. I am obsessed with my "King Tut" and always have to grab him before he sells out. He is not in the pictured pot... "King Tut" will get his own post later in the summer.  He is a show off by the Fourth of July.  Kinner's for the win on that one. The others had little Tut and another similar plant, but Kinner's Flowers had the King. 

I need to get my hyacinth bean-pod vine in the ground around the mailbox this weekend. It is my Mother's Day tradition. It was a shared seed from Jill Parod. (Thanks Jill... I am still loving and sharing it just like you did.)

My zinnias are a new favorite that were shared by my treasured forever friend, Roxanne. They need to get planted soon.  We did a seed swap a couple years ago and I am delighted to know I have a bit of Roxanne in my garden. 

I have several cherry tomato plants ready to go in the ground.  I love to see the little blossoms that whisper hope until the little tomatoes appear on the vine. They came from our Ace Hardware. 

Kroger is just getting started... I am sure a few will "jump" into my cart there, too. Wal-Mart and Farm and Fleet are two more places to find flowers and seeds. 

"The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air." -Song of Solomon 2:12

Back to the flower sellers... especially the ones who tend to the inside gardens all winter long...thank you! Because of your labor of love,  we can purchase  your plant babies and give them another chance to grow and bloom.  

Today, I am grateful for the flower sellers.

Friday, May 12, 2023

My Children


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 131- Today, I am grateful for my children. 

I am so very blessed. They are my heartbeat. 

One of my favorite quotes is on that says something like,

"Being a mother means your heart is forever walking around in someone else's body." 

It is true. 

If they ache, we ache. If they struggle, we feel it, too. If they are excited, we feel it in our bones. If they weep, we weep. If they rejoice, we rejoice. They are grew up (too fast)! They are forever a part of us. What a beautiful thing.   

Of these three, it is actually Emma that I first held in my arms when I was 7 months pregnant with Chase. Only God could orchestrate a plan that would bring Emma into our family. She is a dream come true.

Chase is a bit of a miracle. Babysitting is not parenting. Somehow we managed to keep him alive with a little help from our friends. I have always loved watching him think. Oh the questions he would ask. I still love hearing his thoughts.  His soul is gentle.

Walker is the child we were missing. His wit, wisdom and warmth are contagious. His arrival gave Chase a brother and completed our home. His compassion runs deep. 

The Love of My Life... my partner in parenting... my Randy... everything is better when we are together... especially when we are all together. 

And... I have two other bonus sons... Jill's boys.  Ryan was my practice child and Blake is the one who always reminds me of the value in traditions. 

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb." - Psalm 139:13

Two I carried in my womb. The other three, I felt them kick while their mother's carried them. Sometimes it feels like ages ago, and other times... like yesterday. 

I am so grateful for the gift of children to love. 

Today, I am grateful for my children.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Tender Hearts

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 130- Today, I am grateful we can be tender hearted.

Elvis sang, "Love me tender. Love me true." It was one of his first hits. It was a little like a lullaby, soothing and sweet. It speaks of loving with a tender heart. 

This world and all of its trouble wants to harden our  hearts. It is up to us to choose tenderness, forgiveness, and compassion whenever we can. 

This passage clearly defines our choices and gives instructions, too. 

"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." - Ephesians 4:32

"Instead"... do the unexpected. 
"Be Kind"... to each other. 
"Tenderhearted"... it opens us to hurt, but it is worth the risk.
"Forgiving"... that always comes up, doesn't it? 
"Like God in Christ forgave you." 

The kicker is the last line... "as God, in Christ, forgave you. "

Practice it. Live it. Taste the freedom. 

 Today, I am grateful we can be tender hearted.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Stronger from the Story

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 129- Today, I am grateful we can be stronger from the story.

Today this picture made me smile. 

"Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice." 

There is so much truth in that statement. Most of us don't volunteer for the hard stuff. We don't savor the sorrows and the disappointments. Still, it is in those valleys that the never ending love of Jesus knocks our socks off and stills our souls. 

Trials come and go. Some change us forever. Wherever we are in our "story"... whatever chapter is currently being written... He never abandons His children. 

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. " 1 Corinthians 13:7

I mess up. We all do. He finds me in my brokenness and gently glues me back together. He is our Superglue and we are stronger when He is finished. 

Today, I am grateful we can be stronger from the story.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Get Outside!


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 128- Today, I am grateful for we can get outside.

"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

What a wonderful bit of poetry. Can you feel the sunshine on your face, the sand between your toes, and the wind in your face?  Isn't it amazing the picture Emerson's words can create? 

Don't forget to take in the glorious splendor of this season. It isn't too hot. It isn't too cold. It makes me feel so alive and a little bit like a kid again. Get outside and enjoy it!

"I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles."                -Psalm 145:5

Make the most of this moment. <3 

Today, I am grateful for we can get outside.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Gracious & Attractive Conversations

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 127- Today, I am grateful for reminders to keep our conversations gracious and attractive. 

Someone once said that we should keep our words sweet, because we may one day have to eat them. 

We have all been there.  It's never fun. It is always humbling. Sadly, we forget how easily and how deeply we can hurt another soul with careless words and whispers. 

"Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone."         -Colossians 4:5-6 

I am sure there is wisdom in learning to tame our tongues. ( James wrote a good bit about tongue taming.) It is hard to master our words when emotions run high. A deep breath is always a good place to start. Words thrown in careless anger cannot be easily recovered. 

"Throw kindness like confetti." You never know where it might land and spark something good or sweet. 

Today, I am grateful for reminders to keep our conversations gracious and attractive.