Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Others Prisoners Were Listening


Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 151- Today, I am grateful to be reminded "the other prisoners were listening."

When we can't change a circumstance or a trial, we can only walk through it. The good news is we are never alone. 

This week, a scripture came with an additional reminder... "and the other prisoners were listening."

Acts 16:25 is a passage we sang about when I was a child. The words are etched on my heart 50 years later. 

"Paul and Silas were in jail. Bail they could not raise. The jailors calling, 'The walls are falling!' Keep singing songs of praise. (Chorus) Singing songs of praise. Singing songs of happiness. Dark the day. Light your way. Keep singing sons of praise!"  

Paul and Silas had no idea what was coming next. Paul had already adopted the attitude that he could not lose. If God delivered them from their troubles, he would be free to spread the gospel a little longer. If angry, hateful men delivered him to the arms of Jesus, Paul still wins. Earth would feel the loss, but for Paul, the only real threat in front of him was the suffering he incurred from people afraid of the Gospel.

"Along about midnight, Paul and Silas were at prayer and singing a robust hymn to God. The other prisoners couldn’t believe their ears. Then, without warning, a huge earthquake! The jailhouse tottered, every door flew open, all the prisoners were loose." -Act 16:25 (The Message)

Discomfort and suffering are life changing. Discomfort and suffering can be physical and/or emotional. Discomfort and suffering are a  part of this world. They can be faith-breaking or faith-building. We cannot always choose our circumstances, but we do choose our response.

 Paul and Silas chose to pray out loud and sing songs of praise. They knew the fullness of the Holy Spirit surrounded them and they could not help but pray and sing. The fact that the other prisoners were listening became a huge part of their testimony and a big part of the story.  

When an "earthquake" shook the walls of the prison, throwing open the doors, and breaking their chains, they could have run. They chose to stay.  Lives were changed that night. The jailor chose to follow "The Way." Prayers were answered. 

We do not know the rest of the story about the other men in prison that night. We do know they were watching and listening to how Paul and Silas managed their troubles. We know the jailor and his house were saved. We do not know what happened to the rest of the prisoners that night. We do know they were listening. They heard the Good News. They could accept or reject Jesus.  

As a child, I focused on them being beaten for their belief in Jesus. It was scary stuff to imagine being physically hurt for believing in Jesus. As a child, I missed the best part of this story. Paul and Silas were not bound by their circumstances or their chains, because their souls were free! 

Today, I am grateful to be reminded "the other prisoners were listening." 

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