Thursday, May 4, 2023

Never Defeated

Daily Gratitude-Year Eleven: Day 123- Today, I am grateful we do not have to be defeated.

Fear is a liar! Anxiety is a beast. It seeks us out at our darkest moments. It hides in the shadows. It is discouraging and for many... defeating. We were not designed for this.

We were designed for a relationship with a God who longs to fill all of our fears and emptiness with His presence and His peace. 

His peace and His presence is the only reason Daniel slept in the midst of lions. His peace and His presence took David into battle. His peace and His presence marched with Joshua around the walls of Jericho the first time... and even on that difficult sixth time when most would wonder if they were going to look like fools if nothing happened. 

In recent years, I have seen faithful servants facing big challenges in their health, their personal lives, and difficult seasons that seem unfair and "just not right." 

I've read Job, and so have they. What the head knows and what the heart feels is real. Our God does not abandon His children. Still, the daily energy required in our trials is exhausting. 

This is what I continue to see... our God shows up. He provides ALL that is needed. He is a God of restoration. 

 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7

Remember, Daniel slept. The giant crashed to the ground. And, the walls came tumbling down. 

 Today, I am grateful we do not have to be defeated.

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