Monday, January 2, 2023

A Comfortable Pair of Shoes

Daily Gratitude Year Eleven- Day 2: Today, I am grateful for a comfortable pair of shoes. 

I basically have two shoe seasons. Sandals and Boots. I prefer barefoot, but most businesses are funny about you showing up barefoot. At work, if I am working in my office, I often kick off my shoes. 

My feet are happier barefoot. Many years ago, Dr. Hake observed that I have "freakishly high arches". I still laugh at the memory. Faith, his wife and his nurse, couldn't help herself. "Ron!!!", she exclaimed. I giggled. There was plenty of relationship. I was not offended and he gave some good advice about footwear. My foot health improved. 

How many days do your feet suffer because shoes are new or worn out? Our feet carry us everywhere. We should be good to them. 

The Love of My Life, my Jill and Laurie Jean (my college roommate) have been the people in my life to force me to give us old favorite shoes and boots. Oh, and the owner at "Fred's Shoe Repair" in Peoria who has gently but firmly told me "No." when a favorite pair of shoes could no longer be repaired. Randy has always appreciated Fred's, too. He didn't have to be the bad guy. 

In college, Laurie and I once had a little "good-bye" service at the garbage shoot before my favorite pair of Black Capezio flats went to wherever the good shoes go when the are done with their service to humans. I did not give them up without a protest. Laurie was loving but firm. They had given all they could give. The brick quad at Olivet ate dress shoes, especially those with any wood on them and it was the 80's. I spent years trying to replace those little black Capezio's. 

We choose comfortable shoes with intention. We know they will make our days better. We can do cute shoes for a few hours, but real life requires real shoes. 

As we begin 2023, I could not help reflecting on the comfort in the practice. We can choose gratitude like a favorite pare of shoes. It is new at first, but then it becomes more comfortable. When we practice the process of being intentionally grateful, our gratitude grows and starts to fit like a favorite pair of shoes. 

I invite anyone to join me for a week, a month or even a year. It is not too late to start. One sentence is all it takes. Even one word or phrase can be the beginning of something new that adds sunshine to your days. Be sure to share if you start the journey. 

I am grateful for Jesus who chose to wear "skin" that didn't really fit in His desire to be with us, to understand us and to walk in our shoes. Then, he wore our sins, like ill fitting, uncomfortable shoes, all the way to the cross.  They wore them anyway, so we did not have to suffer the price of our sins. 

In fact, His act of love and mercy opened the door for us to be sons, daughters and joint-heirs,   fully adopted into the family of God. I am so grateful His love was greater than all that might have tempted him to call it and return to heaven without finishing the job. 

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.  Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." -James 1:17-19

We have so much to be grateful for. 

Today, I am grateful for a comfortable pair of shoes. 


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