Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rhubarb Season

Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 149: Today, I am grateful for rhubarb season. 

I miss the rhubarb patch from home. Mama Ina Mae made a delicious rhubarb sauce that came from cooking the rhubarb down with some sugar. The tart and the sweet come together creating the most wonderful sauce. 

Dad loved Mama's rhubarb sauce over ice cream, in pies, and she was always looking for new ways to cook it. It is always a fan favorite around the farm table. 

It is amazing the variety of fruits, vegetables, and roots that provide us with colorful tables with every season. 

"The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit." -Genesis 2:9

It is easy to take for granted the variety and the abundance. Rhubarb is one of the unique flavors from the garden. Savor it while it is in season. 

Today, I am grateful for rhubarb season. 

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