Monday, September 9, 2024

Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 253: Today, I am grateful for the book of Acts.

I spent years asking God to be a part of whatever I was doing. When I read the book of Acts. I see people privileged to play a part in what God was doing." -Francis Chan, Forgotten God 

This is a great quote. I remember as a child reading the Bible that the book of Acts seemed scary. As a child I hyper focused on the beatings, persecution, and the many days in prison. I found it scary. 

Several  years ago, we spent some time in Acts during a Sunday School class. I remember seeing Acts with new eyes. Instead of inducing fear, I found the wonder in it all. Some had walked and talked with Jesus. Saul/Paul had done his best to destroy the spread of the  Gospel. Then, he came face to face with the one he had persecuted. The change in Saul was so radical, his name was changed to Paul. His sold out, crazy love for Jesus is woven into so many chapters of Acts. 

The book of Acts calls for unity between the Jews and the Gentiles as brothers and sisters in Christ. As you read through the chapters it is easy to see a perspective shift. 

"All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper ), and to prayer." - Acts 2:42 

Immersed in what God is doing! What a way to live. 

As an adult, I see the challenge and the wonder in His invitation to each one of us. He longs for us to be excited by his invitation to take part in what He is doing. It is not the other way around. 

Today, I am grateful for the book of Acts.

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