Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Patriot Day

Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 254: Today, I am grateful for Patriot Day.

Patriot Day... here we are 23 years later. We said we would never forget, but humans are prone to short memories. It is a day of remembrance.. as is Patriot Day. Let us remember. 

On a plane over Pennsylvania, at the Pentagon, and in New York City we saw heroism that reflects the best in us. It came from first responders, our military, and from ordinary men and women who demonstrated love, compassion, and caring on the very worst day of their lives. They reflexively responded with a desire to protect and provide what others needed. In their own injuries and brokenness, they reached out to help the person next to them. Many were strangers. 

As we look around today, many were too young to remember. They were not even born. We guarded our children from being consumed by our own fears as the skies went silent for days. Air travel stopped. The images on our TV screens did not. They played over and over the horrors of that day. 

In those days, we came together in unity. Through tragedy and brokenness, we found common ground. We showed respect to our first responders, our military, our flag, and our God. When things are falling apart and burning around us, it is suddenly permissible to talk about God and prayer. 

There were so many miracles that day. Missed trains. Doctors appointments. Missed flights.  Each inconvenience or change in schedule meant a life was saved. Do we thank God for our delays? That day, we did. 

Twenty-three years... it is the age of some of our youngest school teachers, firemen, EMTs, and police officers. What feels like yesterday to those who lived through it, does not evoke the same emotion from those who view it as history. 

Patriots can be recognized by their courage, character, and consistency. They show up when they are needed. They stay until they have done all they can do. They wipe the tears and hold the broken in their arms. They pray over the dying at their last breath. They deliver the news to the widows and widowers. They "wash the feet" of others day after day. 

9/11 was Dad's birthday. 
9/11 was the day we buried Jill in 2014

Time marches on. 9/11 will continue to be a day of births, deaths, and burials as life marches on. We do not know the end date on our dash. We can know the Author of our Days and our  Lord and Savior. He is our refuge, help, and hope. 

"I look up to the mountains— 
 does my help come from there?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!" -Psalm 121:1-2

Today, I am grateful for Patriot Day.

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