Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 4: Today, I am grateful for manatees.
Manatees are so amazing. They are often referred to as "sea cows" because of their size. They are mesmerizing to me. Watching them is calming. I find it hard to walk away when I have a chance to see them up close.
This was a fun find:
"Advice from a Manatee: Breathe deep. Glide through your day. Have a gentle spirit. Enjoy time alone. Live large."
A manatee can rest under water for a long time. They know how to take a deep breath.
They are huge, but slide through their days with an uncommon grace for their size.
They never seem to rush. They never worry about their size. They enjoy alone time.
As many are reading in Genesis this week, I could not resist a shout out to the lovely manatee. (Check out the Veggie Tales song, Barbara Manatee is you need a smile.)
"And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day. Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird—each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Let the fish fill the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.” -Genesis 1:20-22
We can learn much from a manatee.
Today, I am grateful for manatees.