Thursday, August 30, 2018


Year 6 - Day 241: Today, I am grateful for paperclips!

Every once in awhile, my gratitude turns to office supplies. Those who know me best are well aware of my joy when I enter a creative place like Michaels, Joanns or Hobby Lobby. When my Jill was alive, she always gladly went with me to any of "my stores" them without complaint. There were two places she drew the line. Book stores... and office supply stores like Office Max. If we did go, it was on a strict time limit with children pick up times hanging in the balance. 

Yes... office supply stores are a place I can wander with wonder for hours. Pens... papers... cardstock... adhesives and paperclips! 

Pens we have celebrated... but what about the humble, reliable paperclip? It keeps my stuff together without any holes or damage to the item. When school starts and ends, I go through boxes! 
My favorites are the ones with the protective color coating, but the inexpensive ones around the office are perfect partners in organization when items need to be sorted, stacked and kept together. 

A paperclip has the ability to hold a few pieces of paper, but it adjusts when the pile grows. There is always the opportunity to move to a bigger clip when needed. 

In the joyful, creative, worshipful world of Bible Journaling, we use them to bookmark pages. They are adorable with a little fabric ribbon. Who knew the ordinary could be so extraordinary?

I checked... this is a FIRST time gratitude. We are two-thirds of the way through the sixth year and I've neglected this faithful office supply. 

I am reminded of the many times our Lord is faithful, even when we neglect the ways he holds are days together. When we are a mess, He is is the order. When we are falling apart, He holds us together. I've never compared His goodness to a paperclip, but I have been remiss. It is an easy analogy. 

His faithful ways are like a paperclip. Now what scripture works with that? I didn't have a clue! That is when I always pray, "Give me what you've got..."... and then look up my verse of the day. Ready for this? I wasn't. You are going to get chills, too. 

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28

It is Christ that holds us together. We are different... like the many things I might gather and hold together with my paperclips. We are all one in Christ. He wins, again! I won't add a thing. 

Today, I am grateful for paperclips!

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