Thursday, March 5, 2020

Daily Conversations

Year 8-Day 64: Today, I am grateful for daily conversations.

This week, I am relishing daily conversations a little more than usual. 

Daily conversations are special, too. The "good morning" chatter over a cup of coffee is really a gift . I often take it for granted. I have people and pets to love in the morning. 

What about laughter over lunch? It can happen at work or with our home people. It is a good and easy gift. Our people might even know what we are thinking before we say it. They know know what we think is funny, before we giggle. 

Dinner chatter can be reflective, informative or entertaining as we review our days. This is the stuff relationships are made of... real relationships. Daily conversations matter.

In high school, my first choir teacher and her husband we active in community theater in Kankakee, IL. I remember many of us went to see them in "Fiddler on the Roof". I already knew a few of the songs, but it was probably my first time at a community theater performance. It was wonderful and fun to watch with friends. 

Tevye, the main character, is mentioned in this quote for his constant chattering with God. I think I need to re-watch the show, as it has been a long time ago. "Sunrise, Sunset" was a song we used at our wedding as our mothers lit our candles. I guess it left an impression on me.Today, I found this quote:

"And so I urge you to carry on an ongoing conversations with God about the daily stuff of life, a little like Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof". For now, do not worry about "proper" praying. Just talk to God." - Richard Foster (Theologian)

Prayer isn't complicated. The prayer Jesus taught us to pray was more like a conversation, although packed full of His unique understanding of the Father. To begin our days in daily conversations is a gift. We have access to the throne of His grace and mercy. 

Over lunch, we can talk about the day so far. In the evening, there is time for reflection at sunset. At bedtime, we can offer him our gratitude, confessions and thank him for the home that provides safety for our rest. 

Adam and Eve knew daily conversations with God. Noah had them. Moses would even argue with God, not smart, but it showed relationship and trust. David, Daniel and the other prophets spoke in ways that reflected their daily chatter with Yahweh. 

The disciples had daily conversations with Jesus that changed their lives. Their changed lives would change the world. 

When Jesus was on the cross, the shofar blew, the passover lamb was slain, the temple curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the ordinary worshipers ripped from top to bottom. That took a Godly hand, as normally a curtain would rip from bottom to top (Matthew 27:51). 

There is significance here. No longer were only well prepared priests the ones with direct access to God's inner sanctuary. Jesus came lived, died and rose again so we might have full access. That, my friends, is better that free Wi-Fi with a strong connection!

Daily conversations are so important to true intimacy. Even if they are short and sweet. 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." -Philippians 4:6

"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." -Colossians 4:2

Don't believe you will get the words "right"? There is no need to worry. The Spirit has you covered. 

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." -Romans 8:26

When we love someone, communication doesn't have to be a perfect masterpiece or poetry. It can be a post-it note that says, "Good morning. I won't forget to grab milk and eggs." Or, Heavenly Father, on this day, I won't forget your ways when my feet hit the floor to start the day."

Today, I am grateful for daily conversations.

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