Monday, September 30, 2024

Meet the Needs With Beauty


Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 274: Today, I am grateful we can meet the needs of our beloveds with beauty.

"Today when you nurture, love, and meet the needs of  your beloveds with beauty, it will make a different in how they face their whole day." - Sally Clarkson

Who are our beloveds? That is a question we must each one answer for ourselves. My thoughts go quickly to the ones who make my heart beat. My family, my friends who are like family, and the precious souls God has placed in my path for daily relationships, even if it is only for a season. 

Years ago my dear friend, Kim, introduced Jill and I to a group of ladies where we were the "youngs" and they were the "olds." They named the group, not us! We were in our 30's and 40s' when they were in their 70's and 80's. We ended up going to lunch together for a precious season. They made us feel young and beloved. Judy and Mercedes were something else! They were vibrant women fully into their senior years. They both appreciated the finer things and things of beauty. We delighted in their company. 

Mercedes had a rule. She was not a snob, but she only dined in places that set a table with cloth napkins. Thinking of it now, I wonder if any establishments continue the practice. We dined together at The Creve Coeur Club one time and another at an inexpensive family restaurant. It wasn't about the cost of the meal. It was about the cloth napkin requirement. The cloth napkin was recognized by Mercedes as going the extra mile in hospitality. 

My Sister-in-Love Jennifer and Cousin Angie have me hooked on vintage handkerchiefs. They are an inexpensive, but fun find at the Third Sunday Market in Bloomington. Like the cloth napkins, they seem special. They are perfect for happy tears at a wedding and sad ones at a funeral. They "do the work" with beauty.  (I do prefer modern disposable tissue when there is illness present.) 

Many years ago, my friend Cindy gave me a long handled bamboo spoon. It was before bamboo spoons became popular. Cindy knew I loved making soups and it was the perfect spoon for the job. I use that spoon almost daily and think of her often. It has a simple design that is practical and beautiful. 

"Let all that you do be done in love."  -1 Corinthians 16:14

Everything. Nurture not just with love, but with beauty. Go the extra mile when you can. Sprinkle the glitter. 

Today, I am grateful we can meet the needs of our beloveds with beauty.

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