Friday, April 6, 2018

More than I Deserve

Daily Gratitude Year 6- Day 96: Today, I am grateful for blessings beyond what I deserve. 

At any given time, it is easy to sit down and reflect on 10 blessings of this day:
Our cars are running. 

Our children an healthy.
Our puppy is a sweetie.
Our neighborhood is warm and friendly.

Our furnace is running.
We have hot, clean water to wash.
We have cool, fresh water to drink.

My pantry is full. 
My floors are mopped.
My Mama has good care. 
Coffee is ample and so is tea. 

Every day, I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. 

One of the most powerful statements I ever read came out of Max Lucado's book "He Chose the Nails". I will paraphrase it, because I can't find it. It basically states that, "because Jesus chose the cross, I don't get what I deserve." Yikes! Reflect on that for a few minutes and suddenly, I feel convicted of any fretting I might do when comparing my life to someone else's. 

That thought is so humbling for me. I know that His sacrifice paid the price from all of my sins, but it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing my life to someone else's that seems more glamorous... or more full of perks. This is where gratitude makes such a difference. Practicing it daily changes everything. Everything. 

To focus on what I have... and not on what I wish I had... or what someone else has. So many of God's children live without food, clean water and shelter. Framed in that truth, I am embarrassed by my covetous thoughts that surely sadden my Savior. I don't deserve to live in this land of abundance. How quickly I forget that truth. 

What if, instead of considering what I think I want or need... I looked at what I could give... and share more. How can I lay down more of my life as a gift to Him? 

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. -1 John 3:16

Yes, this scripture can mean giving our life for another, but it, also, means living our lives in service, sharing from our abundance and giving a little more than we thought we could. A little more time, a plate of cookies, a lift to the grocery store for an elderly person, a visit with a shut in or nursing home resident or picking up extra food to share with a family that is struggling from job loss or illness. 

I am so grateful I didn't get what I deserve. I am grateful for reminders to be more generous with encouraging words, resources and my time. 

Today, I am grateful for blessings beyond what I deserve. 

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