Monday, January 17, 2022

Zip it up!


Daily Gratitude Year 10 - Day 17: Today, I am grateful for reminders to zip my lips! 

We all know that person who cannot open their mouth without a complaint falling out. It is like they can't help themselves. It is not the person people want to hang out with for good company. Complaining and arguing can set a mood. 

Remember when you were a kid in the car with your mother? What is it about kids in cars. It brings out the worst in many of us. I am sure April, Matthew and I drove Mama crazy when she drove us places. I remember the "Don't make me stop this car." That meant we were going to be spanked if she did. I don't remember her actually doing it. The threat was enough, because we knew she meant business. 


"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you." -Philippians 2:14 

As we grow into adults, we grow in wisdom and understanding... at least, we hope we do.  The complain train is exhausting to ride and gets us nowhere. We can be more intentional with our choices. 

Today, I am grateful for reminders to zip my lips! 

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