Sunday, July 3, 2022



Daily Gratitude Year 10- Day 184: Today, I am grateful for bandaids.

Do you ever think about the many little conveniences we enjoy? A bandaid is one of them. I wonder how many of them I gave out in 10 years at the Jr. High? Especially, when "nursing" was part of the job description. (So grateful for our in school health people!) 

A bandaid can help protect a wound from infection, provide comfort and provide just enough pressure to stop a small wound from bleeding. They are definitely on the list of first world comforts. They seem so ordinary and necessary. 

We use the term "bandaid fix" as something temporary until you can get a job done correctly. I imagine it is an American phrase. Sometimes, a bandaid fix buys us just enough time to seek out the right person or resources to do a job right. It isn't permanent... just a bandaid fix. 

Short post. Savor the sunshine in your day. Be grateful for creature comforts, like bandaids.

Today, I am grateful for bandaids.

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