Monday, January 29, 2024



Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 29: Today, I am grateful for dentists.

"My dentist said I needed a crown and I was like 'I know, right?'" 

This made me giggle. I received two crowns in the past year - but sadly, not one of them was a tiara. Both are in my mouth... with no diamonds. 

The accessibility to good dental care is a blessing worth counting. 

If your tooth hurts - so does your face, and sometimes your ear. In those moments, we are very grateful when our dentist can make room for us in his/her schedule. Taking care of our teeth is a game changer. A healthy smile is attractive and it gives us confidence. 

This passage shows that even in the days of King David and King Solomon, a healthy, happy smile was considered attractive. 

"Your teeth are as white as sheep, recently shorn and freshly washed. Your smile is flawless, each tooth matched with its twin." - Song of Solomon 4:2

Today, I am grateful for dentists.

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