Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Falling Snow

Year 6-Day 37 :Today, I am grateful for the wonder in falling snow.

Not for the way the world looks when it is snow covered, but the magical wonder of the snowflakes falling from the sky. 

Continuing this intentional effort to not complain about winter... when it starts to feel long... we must seek new places to look. Yes, a snow covered landscape is uniquely beautiful, especially before it is marked by human hands and feet. But what about the hours of gently falling snow it takes to create such beauty and wonder. 

They say each snowflake is unique, just like we humans are all different. Isn't it amazing what tiny snowflakes can do when they join together? 

Mountains of snow for skiing, sledding, snowmen and snow forts are a part of winter's delights when individual snowflakes join together. Snowflakes that fall from the sky, maintaining their individuality, until they reach the ground.  Next, they come together, giving up a part of what made them special and unique. 

Truthfully, I think some begin to clump together on the way down from the clouds, but some maintain the integrity of their uniqueness... without sacrifice...until connecting with other fallen snowflakes. I think there are some great analogies here for us as humans and as believers. 

Our uniqueness is magnificent, isn't it? Truly. Still, we are better together. To make a real impact on our world, we must join together. 

"May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory. -Romans 15:5-7  

Better together. More impact when we join in harmony as is fitting for followers of Christ. Are we sounding brass and tinkling cymbals just making noise or are we working together giving praise and glory to God? 

If you look to the snow covered landscape... especially on a really cold day... you can sometimes see tiny frozen crystals that are part of it all... but with with individuality that can still be identified. 
Remember, we serve a God who knows the number of hairs on our head, who cares for the sparrows and who calls out the stars by name and never loses one of them. 

What a mighty God we serve! He knows our names. He knows our hearts. We need not fear getting lost in the mission of the great commission. He adores us and longs to be in an intimate, personal relationship with each of us. A relationship we maintain through knowing His Word, seeking His heart, prayer and joining together in community to be more than any of us can be own our own. 

The wonder, the lessons, the majesty and the magic of snow falling. 

Today, I am grateful for the wonder in falling snow.

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