Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Year 4 - Day 12: Face of God First

Year 4-Day 12: Today, I am grateful that the face of God can be the first face I choose to see. 

No doubt about it. I am a morning girl. I know some are not, but for me, the freshness of a new day is like a re-birth every 24 hours.  A good night's sleep restores so much...and yesterday is history. Let it go!

Today is a new day.  This quote struck a chord this morning as to why morning gratitude makes a difference:

"It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning until you have looked into the face of God."-Charles Spurgeon

Yes...God first thing changes everything.  Seeking His face helps us take on the day with a different kind of energy.  His Word is full of the tools I need to take on just about anything in my path.  It encourages, guides and at times...when needed...convicts my heart. Seeking His face first certainly increases our ability to show grace, love and compassion to those we encounter. 

Psalm 118:23-25 is magnificent.  Most have memorized verse 24, but the three together, give it a slightly different context...and it is good. It adds in the wonder and the struggle of our everyday lives. Here it is: 

This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Save us, we pray, O LordLord, we pray, give us success! 

I didn't invent the day.  He did...and he separated it from the night and he gifts it to each of us.  He has made the day and given us our portion. It is full of reasons to be grateful.  

It may bring some trouble ... but he can save us and bring success. Most days, the biggest dangers I encounter are a result of my own choices, selfishness...and an unleashed tongue. 

"This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." I guess that included the sharp and cold prairie winds that are whipping across my backyard, bending the trees. It is marvelous.  Cold...but an amazing sight. 

"This is the day the Lord has made;"  Love the semi-colon for the pause and effect.  THIS day.  HE MADE. He placed us in this time for a purpose. How will I spend the gift?

"Let us rejoice and be glad in it."  As it is a gift from his hand and full of potential.  It is new with each dawn. Celebrate it. Embrace it. Cherish it.

"Save us we pray, oh Lord! " - Exclamation point!  From my wicked thoughts, unkind ways and sharp words. Oh yes, I need saving.  

"Oh Lord, we pray," This is repeated twice...pay attention, right?  It is clear that when and what "we pray" really matters. Prayer list, journals of prayer and war rooms are nothing to take lightly.  Do we only pray as a "shopping list" of what we would like God to do for us? Or do we seek the holy ground of offering our lives to his service? How does our approach impact our prayers and His response. Things to think about when "Oh Lord, we pray!"

"Give us success!" - Another exclamation point.  This passage is full of great punctuation to consider as we seek a deeper meaning in the words.  

Seeking His face first for this day...and everyday...creates a positive change that cannot be ignored.  It makes everyday better...even the cold ones and the hard ones. 

Today, I am grateful that the face of God can be the first face I choose to see. 

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