Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cozy Cups and Morning Routine

Daily Gratitude Year 4-Day 349: Today - I am grateful for cozy cups and morning routine.
My sweet friend Amanda sent a Christmas card that had an image of her daughter holding this coffee cup. I love that Amanda and I would fall in love with the same mug and bring it home. Adalyn looks adorable snuggled next to big brother Hayden and holding this huge mug in her small hands. It made me feel cozy, just looking at the image. Love and a mug of goodness is the best.
That is exactly what daily gratitude has brought to my life. It is the time of year I have to make the "do we go another year decision?" It is a daily commitment. Then, I try to imagine life without this time in the morning with my java, my Jesus and my friends who stop by to visit.
I cling to the lesson of the first year. "Gratitude doesn't change God. It changes me." Somehow, a cup of coffee and the whisper of "what will I be grateful for today?" unlocks the abundance our Lord grants us. Between the "Earworm" who sings and the Holy Spirit who quotes scripture... my alone time isn't lonely. It is a great way to start the day. 
On a busy weekend... the gratitude may be an end of the day thankful spot, but for me... the best part of waking up in a cozy cup of coffee and Jesus fills my cup. 

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! ... When I awake, I am still with You. -Psalm 139:17 &18b NASB 
I am still with you! I love that promise.
Image may contain: coffee cup, drink and indoor
I am grateful for cozy cups and morning routine.

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