Monday, October 2, 2017

Hide and Seek

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 275: Today, I am grateful lessons in hiding. 

Hide and seek. Such a fun memory from childhood. Knowing the hiding places made the participants far more successful than visitors on the scene. The little ones... tiny enough to hide and able to keep quiet... were often the surprise winners, if they didn't fall asleep during the wait. 

One of the things I remember most about a family trip we made to Fargo, ND to visit Daschner family was playing hide and seek. They were relatives we had never met. The children were Dad's cousin's kids. Strangers to us, although we shared blood and genes. Yard games kept us out of the house and engaged while my parents and Uncle Mel visited.

We have fun, but were at a disadvantage.  We didn't know the territory or the terrain. We didn't know the trees or where sweetest hiding spots. We had to step out in faith and leave fear behind. That evening was a highlight of the trip for April and me. 

It reminds me a little of David and his relationship with God. This Lisa Bevere quote really hits the mark. 
"In running and hiding from Saul, David learned to run and hide in God."  What a great truth. 

David had put his life on the line for King Saul on many occasions. He took on giant enemies and soothed him with his harp and songs. He was best friends with his son, Jonathan, and married his daughter. As Saul grew more jealous and erratic in his behaviors. David chose to flee and hide. 

In David's hiding place, he grew his trust. He listened for the leadership of his Lord over what made sense to the people around him. When his men felt God delivered Saul into his hands... actually into the cave where he was hiding... God said, don't kill him. David showed restraint and his trust in the Lord. His choice that day shocked the king... and became legendary. 

David would take Saul's throne. Saul's wicked ways were his demise... not David. David didn't hide from Saul as much as he hid in God. 

"For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory." -Psalm 32:7

How many times had Solomon heard the story of his father, David, in the cave that day? He penned these wise words. 

"Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety."Proverbs 29:25

Fear is certainly an emotion that the enemy uses to cripple us. Prayer proves the best defense as we learn to snuggle into the protective arms of a mighty God. He holds the universe and he cradles us to his chest so that when we match our breathing to his, there is a profound peace even in the wildest storms. 

Today, I am grateful lessons in hiding. 

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