Daily Gratitude Year Eleven- Day 57: Today, I am grateful for Miss Clara's Fight Club.
There are some movies I should have never wasted my limited heartbeats watching. There are others, like "War Room", I should watch often. The medium used to provide the message does a great job.
Miss Clara Williams is a show stealer. She does not have the most lines, but her character is at the heart of the movie. The influence of prayer warriors like Miss Clara will echo into eternity. She is a fictional, but let us be grateful for the "Miss Clara's" who cross our paths in different seasons of life.
"I learned how to fight... in prayer first." - Miss Clara
Exodus 14:14 keeps coming up in my life. From a couple of friends who are warrioring their way through cancer... and in a recent Sunday morning worship time. What does it say?
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” -Exodus 14:14
I am claiming this as a "Life Verse" for the year. One to be memorized, eternalized and lived with intentionally. While we are still, we can pray.
Inhale. Let His Holy Spirit be our breath. Exhale comfort.
Inhale. Experience the very knowledge of His very real nearness. Exhale confidence.
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