Monday, September 12, 2016

Rejoice (Pause) Rejoice

Daily Gratitude Year 4- Day 255: Today, I am grateful for instructions to rejoice...pause and rejoice, again. 

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4

The rhythm of this scripture reminded me of the instructions on the back of old shampoo bottles. Don't ask me why...but follow along:

"Shampoo...rinse... repeat as needed."

 I don't know about you, but once is typically enough in a daily shower. Shampoo has come a long way since the first products became available to the mass market in the 1920's. Daily hair washing is part of our daily routine. One shampoo cycle is enough, because we shampoo often. 

Instructions in how to "Rejoice in the Lord" have not changed. They still work perfectly. Here, I like the thought of "repeat as needed". I need it... oh... I need it. 

This scripture clearly states that we are to be repetitious in our praises to the Lord. Let's take a closer look at this simple... often sung...scripture. We can break it down and really savor the instruction.

Rejoice - a exceedingly glad,  be well... thrive
in - in the interior of the whole, within the limits of some space
the Lord - "kyrios" the one to whom all things belong, Master, sovereign king
always - means at all times, at ever "when" 
; - a semicolon means PAUSE. The pause matters. Savor it and take it in.
again - "palin" indicates a renewal.  Renew our rejoicing. 
I will say,- "lego" exhort, teach, advise, command 
rejoice. - repeat... be exceedingly glad,  be well... thrive

Just as gratitude changes us ... so does taking the act of rejoicing seriously. Embracing this day and choosing to "thrive". Thrive has been one of my favorite words lately. It is so much more than simply being alive. We can fully live... basking in the "enough" ... He provides for our daily needs. 

Ear worm is singing that old scripture song: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice." 

Short... simple... and so full of challenge, right?

Today, I am grateful for instructions to rejoice...pause and rejoice, again. 

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