There are times I want to capture God in a photograph. One where he looks grandfatherly, friendly and full of love. Why? Because that component of his personality is safe. His love and care are without measure. It is the most comfortable and comforting part of his character.
Bottom line... I like to perceive him as safe.
He is full of love, but he is so much more. Other components are a bit terrifying. His glory strikes awe... and when full, our feeble human bodies cannot take it. We cannot look upon his face in our human form. The truth is - there are times God hides his face from us to protect us.
The high priests spent a year preparing to enter "The Holy of Holies" in the temple. Unprepared, death was certain. God in his holy dwelling, was overwhelming and simply... too much.
Reread and rethink this passage.
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows— this is God, whose dwelling is holy."-Psalm 68:5
Father to the fatherless... he adopts us. He chooses us to be his children.
Defender of widows... and orphans... don't mess with those in his protection.
Where HE is becomes holy ground... be careful.
"God said, "Take off you sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." - Exodus 3:5
This is one of my new favorite passages from summer reading. It declares a certain behaviour when we enter his presence. I adore the idea of barefoot.
The dirt from the bottom of our shoes does not belong on holy ground, yet this same God chose to come and be for us, with us and even one of us.
Time after time, the Bible warns of what will come to those who ignore the needs of widows and orphans. Our care for "the least of these" becomes the measuring stick God uses for determining justice.
I think of our laws and our lawmakers and cringe. Animals are more protected than children. And... then I look in the mirror and wonder about the times I have failed to be his hand and feet when needed.
When seeking the face of God, we must be prepared for the reflection off of his many facets... not just the ones we find comfortable. Like a diamond, letting the light disperse... he is beautiful, holy and full or wonder. His ways are not are ours... they are perfect.
Today, I am grateful for the many facets of God.
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