Monday, August 7, 2017


Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 219: Today, I am grateful for timshel.

I found this great John Steinbeck quote from his book "East of Eden". It is said to be inspired by the Biblical story of Cain and Abel. I love a good Hebrew word and vocabulary building. This one is about choice. 

“But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest"- it is also true that 'Thou mayest not'." - John Steinbeck

There it is. Choice. Timshel is about a choice.

Newsflash. Life is not always going to be kind or fair. But that does not change the goodness of God. I know that in the most challenging seasons of life, his grace is sufficient. Reminders of this truth always seems to come at just the right time. Choice has always been our gift, our responsibility, our burden and our greatest power. The gift of a soul breath is a terrible thing to waste on worry and wanting. We can choose joy.

We are given rules, guideline and directions. We choose how to live them out. To love... or not to love. To be kind... or not be kind. To live fully... or to live in fear of the future. To embrace a new day... or grieve what is behind us or fear what is unknown in the future. Our God gives us power in our choices. Timshel.

The wisdom is in the understanding of opposites. "If I may", then it holds true "I may not", depending on the choice. 

...choose this day whom you will serve...Joshua 24:15

Fill up. Pray up. Step up. Make a choice. Thou may... or thou mayest not. 

Today, I am grateful for timshel.

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