Monday, February 6, 2017

Keep Looking for Sunshine

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 37: Today, I am grateful for the benefits of looking for the sun.

I've been keeping a "create your own sunshine" journal this month. This Eeyore image is a perfect for the journey. 

I adore Eeyore. How fun to find a truly positive thought from the gloomy little guy. A. A. Milne's "Winnie the Pooh" is packed full of wisdom. Every once in awhile, I stumble on a new gem. 

Yesterday, I walked out of church and slowed my walk to the car. I had to pause and turn my face to the sun. Another day of winter sunshine granted. 

Winter sun quenches the same place in the soul as a summer rain. Both come when we need them most. It was warm and wonderful. It is good. 

I am struck by the same truth that, "It never hurts to keep looking for the Son." 

Not every life event comes with an attached reason and God's signature.Life has potholes and sharp curves. We get bumps and bruises. We are not promised an explanation but we are told that He is with us to comfort and encourage, if we invite him along for the journey. 

It never hurts to keep looking for the Son. He is found in the most unusual places...often in the margins of society. 

For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. -Luke 11:10

The Son waits for our knock. He longs for an invitation to take the journey with us. He is a gentleman and will not force himself. He is near and wants to be present in every nook and cranny of our life as he takes up residence in our hearts. But, He needs to be invited. 

Free will was his greatest gift to humans - and with it comes great responsibility. The knowledge of life and death means we must choose our destiny. The decision is to seek, find and go with Him... or doing it "My Way". 

Jesus doesn't beg... he just says "Follow me." He isn't looking for guilt, excuses or justification of our choices. He says, "Ask. Repent. Choose me. Follow me.". He will light the way. The simple path we will spend a lifetime pursuing. 

His blood has covered our sins. Let them go. He has. What he desires is that we seek him with our whole hearts until our hearts beat with His. 

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. -Jeremiah 29:13

Today, I am grateful for the benefits of looking for the sun... and finding the Son. 

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