Sunday, February 19, 2017

Worship is a Kiss

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 50: Today, I am grateful worship is a kiss.

Being from the USA, I don't have a true reference for royalty. Our leaders are elected and supposed to be public servants. 

Probably the closest thing we have to royalty here are athletes, musicians and other celebrities... for better or for worse. That popular television show, "American Idol", says it all in the name. An idol is something or someone we worship. Funny, that has never struck me until just this moment... that the name had "idol" in it. 

Whom or what do we worship?

What is worship? We think of praise songs, prayer, study and words of praise. I just read recently about one of the words used in the scriptures in the Greek. The word for worship used here is "proskuneo". 

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” -John 4:24

Proskuneo (Greek-Proskyneo): 
1. To kiss the hand (moving toward) in a token of reverence. 
2.  In Asian cultures, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence.
3.  By kneeling or prostration to do homage or show superior rank.

The scholars suggest that it is like a dog licking his master's hand. At first, this struck me as odd... kind of strange. Really? Like dog kisses? But, then I let it sit a bit longer. Wow! That is true worship. 

If you have ever experienced pet kisses, it creates a sense of being love and cherished like few other experiences. There is a complete adoration, trust and joy in simply being close enough to touch. The lick... "the kiss"... is intimate and full of devotion. It is a gift. Humble. Pure devotion...and from the heart. Yes, this is worship. 

Perhaps, God granted us the loving relationships we have with our pets to teach us how to love him better. Does our spirit long to be with Him? Are we happy to be in his presence, no matter what we are doing? Does our worship look like devotion? Do we kiss the Master's hand? Do we love others as he loved us? Are we "love broken" and "love trained"?

Love broken means that we understand all that love did for us, and the love we pour out is from him. It shouldn't hurt. It takes more effort with some people, but His Word is full of training and help for the mission. 

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. - 1 John 4:11-12

We are loved. How we love him and how we love others are the evidence we have been changed by love. 

The John 4:24 scripture is from the passage where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. His knowledge of her... the ugly, intimate stuff... took her breath away. Then, she knew. She knew Jesus was the love she had been seeking. She couldn't help but want to share it. 

This image is of our Harley...the hybrid (a nice word for mutt)... at the window waiting for his Randy. He taught us so much about love, devotion... and worship. 12 years wasn't long enough. He has been gone a year, but we still miss his welcome home kisses... and just being with him. Without being told, he would go to the window at the time he sensed Randy would return... and wait... and wait.

Do I make God wait? Do I wait on him with patience and excitement?

Today, I am grateful worship is a kiss.

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