Friday, March 24, 2017

Do Right

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 83: Today, I am grateful for people who consistently do the right thing.

Not the easy thing. Not the convenient thing. Not the profitable thing. Do the good thing... the right thing. Period.

This thought resurfaces from earlier in the week, but with a different twist. A different gratitude.

I am so grateful for those who consistently choose and do the right thing. Not with perfection, but with a heart of encouragement that makes a difference in the lives of all around them. They impact my days... every day.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. -Galatians 6:9

By Friday, do you ever feel like you are simply out of energy and out of grace? I do. We all get tired. Still, he promises that He is the source that does not run dry.

We can tap into something bigger... and definitely better... than what we can do on our own.

Persist. Press on. Let Him be our enough! Even if it does not seem that we are being treated fairly for the moment. In time... he promises... people reap what they sow. He keeps his promises.

Dad's saying comes to mind once again. I'm old enough now to have seen it play out with consistent truth: "The wheels of God's justice grind slowly but excessively fine."

In God's time... we all reap what we sow... unless we seek His face and His grace that came to us to be with us, for us and not against us. He became the sin offering... the lamb... and the door. When the curtain ripped and tore the veil into the holy of holies... a priest was no longer needed for protection and intercession. The scriptures are pretty clear about that.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -1 John 1:9

He is our high priest... in the order of Melchizedek.

The giggle of that is that He is already well are of our sins. Confession is for our souls to be free. His grace that covers them has already been gifted to us. Confession is the blood red paint brush that somehow... when applied... creates the perfect shade of white.

"Though your sins be as scarlet... they shall be as white as snow." King David knew it. Zacchaeus knew it. The Samaritan woman believed and claimed it. Rahab... was changed by it.

Jesus endured that we might be free of the burden of sin. Free to know Him, love Him and plug into His endless love and compassion. Children of the the source. Children who can live with other people and still do what is good and what is right.

So, it will be with those who harden their hearts to the Holy Spirit. Some show no mercy to others. Some will refuse Jesus and his call to accept the mercy offered through the cross. He wants to be our door... or reality changing portal... and to make us right before a holy and righteous God.

We are pilgrims for a season. Learning His truth and His ways as he breathes light, life and hope into our ordinary days. I am grateful for those who hold the lantern light the way. Not perfect people... but those who try every day.

Today, I am grateful for people who consistently do the right thing.

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