Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Less Is More

Daily Gratitude ear 5-Day 74:Today, I am grateful to be learning that less is more.

I think I have mentioned that my Randy and I are fascinated by the tiny house movement. Fascinated, because it offers freedom, but pretty sure that we would need 2 or 3 of them. He needs open spaces. I need stuff storage. 

I am by no means a hoarder, but I am sentimental. I hold on to precious things and I love my paper crafting stuff. Ribbons, buttons, colored bakers twine... and glitter. 

I have made intentional efforts to reduce trips to the "Stuff-mart"... I mean Wal-Mart in efforts to reduce unnecessary spending. I actually on a "eat from the pantry mission" to use what I have on hand. Still, stuff of all kinds can be excessive and turn into a mess if not checked. 

Science says clutter and messes increase anxiety. From little piles of mail that add up at the end of a work week... or a big meal from the kitchen... clean up requirements can seem overwhelming. 

I've been fascinated with the "Capsule Clothing" concept. Not sure I could do it, but it is fascinating.  Something like 35 pieces of clothing in your closet at one time. Crazy, right? I probably have 35 black pieces... hey... blacks are NOT all the same color. Please don't judge me by my accumulation of blacks. They are my favorites. 

The first time I realized the challenges of stuff was a beautiful lesson in coveting... wanting things that are not mine or out of our budget. Guess who taught it beautifully? Veggie Tales!  Madame Blueberry is a great little learning tool that is simple enough to convict a grown up girl's heart. Good stuff. Check it out.  

Life is full of "stuff" that might make us rich by the world's standards, but poor in the important things like time and relationships. 

He must increase, but I must decrease.” -John 3:30

Bob Goff wrote something that brings this home in my heart. “I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.” 

I just went to a visitation of the father of a dear friend. Her Daddy was a man who was rich beyond measure. He was a pillar in his church and the community. He loved children. He and his beautiful wife raised nine. His loved Jesus. What an honor to stand in such a line for a man of 88 years! Bob succeeded at the things that mattered. 

"He must increase. I must decrease.”  What a challenge.  What a lesson. What a great deal of work there is to do. At least, for me.  

Today, I am grateful to be learning... again... that less is more.

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