Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Reminders to "Be Present"


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 70: Today, I am grateful for reminders to be present.

One of my "one little word" selections was the word "present." It was a good year of reflecting on what it means to be present in a world that is growing increasingly disconnected and disengaged. 

We were not designed for isolation; we were created for relationships. 

"Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." -Jim Elliot

He believed it. He prayed it. He died, but his death produced a harvest of souls over time. What Satan intended for evil... and evil had its moment... was redeemed. 

If you do not know the stories of the five missionaries who died January 8,1956 in Ecuador, it is worth looking them up. Jim's wife, Elizabeth, returned to Ecuador to continue the ministry. That is trusting the heart of God when nothing makes sense. Jim, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming, and Roger Youderian gave their lives as a living sacrifice, they were not taken. 

During this season of Lent, we think about the sacrifice Jesus made so that we "would not be burned." For the five missionaries, heaven came swiftly and unexpectedly at the end of a spear. It did not make sense, but in time the gospel took root and grew. They could have used the weapons they carried. They chose to emulate Christ in the most pure sacrifice. They lay down their lives to rescue the perishing. They trusted God's plan. Their deaths were not in vain. 

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you."-Isaiah 43:2

Our God is present in our joys and in our sorrow. We are to be present in our daily walk with Christ and with each other. 

Wherever you are, be all there. 

Today, I am grateful for reminders to be present.

Monday, March 10, 2025



Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 69: Today, I am grateful for "gokotta."

There are some words that have not English translation. We can learn so much from other cultures and languages. It is one of the reasons I love using blueletterbible.org for Bible study. It allows me a look into the original Hebrew and Greek when something is confusing. 

Today is the first Monday of Daylight Savings Time and I learned a new Swedish word that made me pause and look for gratitude. 

Gokotta: to wake up early in the morning with the purpose of going outside to hear the first birds sing.

It is always a rough morning. Losing an hour is never my favorite weekend of the year. Even when we plan ahead, our bodies take time to adjust. The thought of eagerly awaiting the first birdsong makes me smile. I love hearing the birds sing in the morning. 

"Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they sing among the branches." Psalm 104:12

This morning came too early, but the first birdsong of the day is still magical and moving. Nature certainly cries out in worship. Wishing you a "gokotta" morning soon. 

Today, I am grateful for "gokotta"

Sunday, March 9, 2025



Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 68: Today, I am grateful for reframing. 

This image made me giggle. 

It is an example of "reframing" the situation. Sometimes we wonder what our fur baby, Daisy Mae, is thinking. She is a dog, but they definitely assess and make decisions based on their observations.

The dog in the picture reframed the naughty out of the scenario. We do that too. 

Reframing is a powerful life-skill, but it is important to be honest, too. When we cannot see the big picture we have to trust and wait. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

He always makes a way. His ways are better than ours, but we sometimes have to wait on His timing. In the review mirror things often make sense. Even when they do not make sense, we can trust the heart of our Lord. 

Today, I am grateful for reframing. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025



Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 67: Today, I am grateful for vision.

This is one of my favorite hymns. I am a sucker for songs in a minor key. There is something haunting about them. 

One of my favorites is "Be Thou My Vision." There are times I get so caught up in my vision of how things should be, I forget to seek His vision and direction. This hymn has rich lyrics that remind me to seek His face in all things. 

Be Thou My Vision

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that thou art -
thou my best thought, by day or by night;
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord.
Thou my great Father; thine own may I be,
thou in me dwelling and I one with thee.

Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise;
thou mine inheritance, now and always;
thou and thou only first in my heart,
high King of heaven, my treasure thou art.

High King of heaven, my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

It is a song about relationships and priorities. It is about knowing the King of Heaven and granting him Lordship in our hearts. 

Habakkuk 2:2 comes to mind again:

Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others."

Write it down. Turn it into a song. Take it on the run, baby! (Yes, Earworm is now singing "Take It On The Run" by REO Speedwagon... I am a child of the 70's and 80's)

Let His vision be our vision. 

Today, I am grateful for vision.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Invitation to Search


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 66: Today, I am grateful for an invitation to "search." 

Search warrants have a negative connotation because they mean someone might be in trouble. When a search warrant is at the door, most humans feel a moment of panic. "What are they looking for?" "What do they think I did?" Or, perhaps the panic of being caught in a questionable or compromising situation. No one wants a search warrant at the door. 

David wrote this Psalm:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." -Psalm 139:23-24

When David messed up, it was big! This is a beautiful passage that points to the relief that comes from confessing our sins... the ones He already knows about, so it is not a surprise. Still we attempt to hide them, just like Adam and Eve.

David says, "test me" and "know my anxious thoughts." Yes, He already knows our anxiety, too. Anxiety has a root. Psychology and culture will find many explanations, but David figured it out many centuries ago. Falling out of relationship with God is at the root of anxiety. A heart that is full of guilt, regret, and shame. 

"Point out my offenses" is a humble prayer. Then, David says, "Lead me." He knows there are two paths. One leads to life everlasting. The other does not.  

His love is deep. His grace is wide. He longs to save and not condemn, but we must seek His face. We must open our hearts to the search. Whatever is found, we have a way to redemption and full propitiation. 

God provided a way through his son... Yeshua... Jesus... our Savior... and our King. 

Today, I am grateful for an invitation to "search." 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Light and Salvation


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 65: Today, I am grateful for His light and His salvation.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?" -Psalm 27:1 

The Psalms are a beautiful collection of poetry, songs, and meditations. Most are credited to King David. He knew God as his light and his rescuer. As a child shepherding a flock, God protected him from wild beasts and a "giant" in the Philistine army known as Goliath. 

God protected him from King's Saul's anger and attempts to murder him out of jealousy. God protected him in battle. 

God forgave David when David's sin against Uriah and God's laws when his heart was filled with sincere repentance. David would continue to serve God all the days of his life. God did not spare him all of the consequences of his sin, but the relationship was restored. Psalms is full of insight into the deep and intimate relationship between David and the Lord. 

David knew that the Lord would light his path and make a way for him in times of trouble and in times of celebration. God never abandoned David, even when David messed up in the worst of ways. God's light poured into David's darkest days. He did not abandon David in his despair and brokenness. 

He was, is, and will always be our light and our salvation. 

Today, I am grateful for His light and His salvation.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Weather Attitude Check

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 64: Today, I am grateful for a weather attitude check.

The Midwest is famous for its weather mood swings. It is incredibly easy to jump on the "complain train" about the weather. I know. I am guilty! 

I am reminded of the power of gratitude when it comes to facing daily weather changes, challenges, and inconveniences. 

We need the rain, the heat, and even the cold that allows the earth to rest and restore. We can have our favorites, but all of them are a part of God's perfect design.

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." -Ephesians 5:20

We can be thankful for thirst quenching rains. We can delight in the sunny days that warm the earth for the flowers, the food, and the fun it brings. We can celebrate the snow that slows us down and quiets the earth so it can rest. 

I have to smile because fall is not in the picture. Apparently, the fall is pretty perfect.  Celebrate this day, whatever the season. In all things give thanks. 

Today, I am grateful for a weather attitude check.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Thunder's Lullaby

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 63: Today, I am grateful for thunder's lullaby.

It has been a long time since we have had thunder. It is a sign of spring. The heavens rumbled gently much of the night. For me, it is like a lullaby. 

"God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power." Job 37:5

What an image that creates! His strength and power are heard and felt when thunder rolls. Thunder is unseen, but everywhere. 

Nature cannot help but express the glory of the Lord. Sometimes it is a snapshot of a beautiful landscape or a field of flowers... and other times, it is a song. 

Today, I am grateful for thunder's lullaby.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Higher Ways


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 62: Today, I am grateful for His "higher ways."

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:8-9

Beyond what we can dream up or imagine, His ways are not our ways. The God of the Universe showed his love for us when we least deserved redemption. His desire to offer chances to Nineveh upset poor Jonah who did not like the Ninevites. Still, when they heard the message from God... delivered without fluff... they repented and turned from their evil ways. 

Sodom and Gomorrah did not. His mercy does not suspend his judgement when our hearts become hard and knees will not bend. It is funny how we will do nearly anything to be in the company of celebrities, but we often ignore the invitation to be in relationship with God. Too busy, too tired, too self-absorbed or not interested... there are always decisions to be made. 

This verse is a reminder in the New Testament:

"And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God’s judgment." -Jude 1:7

His ways are not our ways. God never stutters. His word is clear on his will and his ways from the Ten Commandments to the Great Commission. Love God. Love people. Seek his will and his face. It may not always make sense, but it will always be "the way that leads to life."

Today, I am grateful for His "higher ways."

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Tenderhearted


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 61: Today, I am grateful for the tenderhearted.

Look around. Who are the tenderhearted in  your circle? Do not forget to look at the little ones. Showing tenderness is really showing strength. 

Little ones often help each other navigate playground challenges. They help the people and pets in their path with no agenda. They enjoy serving. They find joy in pouring into others. 

Look to the special needs population, too. They often have an extra dose of tenderhearted tenacity, too. Just try and stop them from "helping" when they see a need. You might be up for a battle. 

"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." -Ephesians 4:32

Jesus looks upon us with tenderhearted compassion. His love stretches deep and wide. His forgiveness changes everything. He sees the messes we make... and the hot mess we might be... and chooses to love us anyway. 

His example is perfect.

Today, I am grateful for the tenderhearted.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Faith Stronger Than Fear


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 60: Today, I am grateful for a faith stronger than fear.

"There is a gentle peace that surrounds you when your faith becomes stronger than your fear." -Anonymous

This quote holds deep truths. When faith is stronger than fear, everything changes. Hurry and worry subside and peace settles in like a warm blanket. The illustration of "resting in the shelter of His wings" is another way of describing that kind of peace. 

Hope is not a "wish." Our hope is in Christ. He is our shepherd, defender, rescuer, and redeemer. In Him, we have all that we need.

"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see." -Hebrews 11:1

Just as a tiny bit of light disperses the darkness, the faith of a mustard seed can blossom into something big, strong, and beautiful. 

Today, I am grateful for a faith stronger than fear.

Friday, February 28, 2025

The Power of Gratitude


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 59: Today, I am grateful for the power of gratitude.

"No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. Any amount of grateful joy changes the present." -Ann Voskamp

I love this quote. I know it is true. Some things we cannot change. We were only given one day at a time. We can choose our focus and our aim. 

Intentionality is within our skill set. What shall we choose on this day? 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7

We can choose gratitude over fear. We can choose to live with joy for the gift of a new day and a chance to "try again" as my Mama would say. We can choose to frame what we have as a gift... and celebrate that it is enough. 

Seeing the "enough" in this day's provisions unlocks the power of gratitude that results in the ability to live joyfully beyond any circumstance. 

Today, I am grateful for the power of gratitude.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Kind Words

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 58: Today, I am grateful for kind words. 

Kind words can change someone's day. Be an encourager. Sprinkle them where you can. Look for where they are needed.

"Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." -Proverbs 16:24

I find the "like honey" part of the verse interesting. Honey has long been known for its healing qualities along with its sweetness. Honey is truly a gift from God. 

Kind words can be healing, too. Words can build up or tear down. Use them wisely. Be a builder. 

 Today, I am grateful for kind words.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 57: Today, I am grateful we can cling. 

Cling to what is good. Like velcro or a burr, hold on tight to what is good, loving, true, and kind. Be persistent in a world that promotes self image, self promotion, and self identity to seek out who we are in Christ. 

Who we are isn't enough. It was never meant to be. We were designed and given life for a relationship with Him. Cling to Him with sincerity... and even brokenness... and amazing things unfold. 

The mess becomes the message. The test turns into a testimony. It happens when we cling to Him in every situation. He sees sincerity. He knows our hearts. 

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." -Romans 12:8

Cling to what is good. Only He is truly good. 

Today, I am grateful we can cling. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Open Door Invitations

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 56: Today, I am grateful for open door invitations.

An open door invitation says, "Come! You are wanted and welcome." 
When we experience a true open door invitation, it can feel strange at first. Doors offer us protection from the elements and other outside dangers. Open door invitations are for those who are welcome any time and in any circumstance. They are "our people." 

Our God longs for us to long for Him. It is amazing, humbling, and exciting. 

"Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter." - Psalm 24:7

His presence changes our days... every day. 

Today, I am grateful for open door invitations.

Monday, February 24, 2025


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 55: Today, I am grateful for a new word... heliophilia.

This word is new to me. 

Heliophilia (n.) desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight

Yes! There is a name for it. 

Sunlight is powerful. It is life giving. It impacts our mood and  vitamin D levels. Time in the sun can lead to better sleep, stronger bones, and so much more. 

Most of us are aware of our need for the sun. We can feel it when we step into a warm bath of sunlight. After a bitter cold spell, we will see 50 degrees today. It will feel amazing. There will be a desire to stay in the sun. 

This verse is from the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew, a tax collector before he followed Jesus, paid attention to the details. 

"As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light." Matthew 17:2

They survived the dark days of the crucifixion. They had experienced the wonder and joy of the resurrection. They walked forty more days with Jesus on earth before descending into heaven. I imagine it felt like the sun had returned to their days. I imagine they could not get enough time with Jesus. 

Their desire was to stay with the Son. His last moments on earth, there was a transfiguration witnessed by Peter, James, and John. Jesus' appearance transformed and his face shone like the sun. Light always dispels darkness. We are programmed for the light of the sun and the Son.  

Today, I am grateful for a new word... heliophilia.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Healing Rest

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 54: Today, I am grateful for healing rest. 

There is a ton of illness everywhere. Everyone seems to have caught something this season. It can be exhausting. 

Illness is one kind of burden. There are many others we face in our ordinary days. 

I love the promise in this scripture:

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

The invitation to rest and restore is sincere. Rest. Recharge. Restore.

Today, I am grateful for healing rest. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

New Mercies Every Morning


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 53: Today, I am grateful for new mercies every morning. 

This verse was in my Bible reading today. 

"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23

There is something comforting in the gift of a fresh start with each new day. We wake up with another chance to live, laugh, love, and learn. 

Mama Ina Mae always said, "You should learn something new every day." She tried to live by that mantra. She was so gentle and humble in her spirit. She delighted in listening to others. She knew that anyone who crossed her path might have something to teach her. 

Mama believed in keeping relationships. She was quick to forgive and her mercy was new every morning, too. I was so blessed by the power of her example. She treated people with respect and grace. She was always ready to let someone "try again." Her music students heard her say it. April, Matthew, and I heard her say it. "Try again." She didn't make a big deal about imperfection or the need for improvement. She just said, "Try again." 

I have some equally fond memories of her telling Dad or Uncle Mel to "try again." They loved to debate/argue around the farm table. Occasionally, she would intervene with a "try again." Whatever it was... she was putting a stop to it ... and it ended there. Mama did it respectfully, and they always self-corrected like school boys. I cannot help but smile at the memories. Her disapproval was the "big stick" they wanted to avoid. 

Mama's language was always rich in love and full of mercy. I never remember her yelling at us. She corrected us when needed, but she did not yell. Here disappointment was worse than a spanking. Her forgiveness was sweet. Her love never wavered.

I am grateful God grants us fresh opportunities to try again with each new day. New mercies arrive at each sunrise. 

Today, I am grateful for new mercies every morning. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Fair Warning


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 52: Today, I am grateful for fair warning.

I loved this sign. It definitely gives "fair warning." The bull can cross the field in ten seconds. Each person must decide for themselves. Accountability for our own choices is promised. 

Some are more prone to gamble. I am a safety girl. I love Joshua's confidence in this verse. He knows who God is. There is no question; only a choice.

"But if you see no benefit in serving the Lord, then choose for yourselves today whomever you will serve—whether the gods that your fathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household—we will serve the Lord!” -Joshua 24:15

Today, I am grateful for fair warning.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Short Fiction


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 51: Today, I will delight in "short fiction." 

Jennifer Lindgren, I thought you might love this one! 

Jennifer has the best list making tools and all kinds of pens. They sit on the kitchen counter for a moment of inspiration. 

I love a list. I need lists. Sometimes, I make a list of everything accomplished instead of a "to-do list?" that is not completed. Yes, there are times a “to do list” is short fiction. 

The following verse is a "life verse" for me. I need the reminder to write down what is important. 

"Then the Lord answered me. He said: Record the vision and write it plainly on tablets so that a herald may run with it." -Habakkuk 2:2

With a list, we have a start of a plan. With a plan, we can begin. We must begin for our any goal to be achieved. 

Today, I will delight in "short fiction." 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fuzzy Socks

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 50: Today, I am grateful for warm, fuzzy socks

I typically do not like my feet covered, but when I cannot get warm is the exception. When chilled to the bone, they do the trick like nothing else!
The few pairs I have were gifts. I do not think to buy them for myself. They provide comfort and joy.
Today, I am grateful for warm, fuzzy socks.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 49: Today, I am grateful for Tylenol.

I try not to take Tylenol to let my immune system work. Sometimes, you have to take the medicine.
Today, I am grateful for Tylenol.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Sweet Friendships


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 48: Today, I am grateful for sweet friendships. 

There is nothing like old friends. Like water that springs from a deep well, a friendship that is aged and sweet can bring comfort, wisdom, and direction into any trial. Life is better with friends. 

"Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel." -Proverbs 27:9 (ESV)

Life is full of chapters and seasons. The friends that walk with us through the good, the bad, the hard, the sweet, and the ugly are precious. There is something special about being known deeply and intimately. 

Today, I am grateful for sweet friendships. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Well-Timed Messages

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 47: Today, I am grateful for well-timed messages. 

There are hidden blessings in every day, even the hard ones. A well timed-message can encourage someone at just the right time. 

One of my favorite well-timed messages from scriptures is:

 "When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners." -Romans 5:6

Oh, we did not deserve it. We cannot not earn it. We cannot be "good" enough to satisfy all the  requirements of the Law. Jesus came as our "chain breaker" so we might be truly free. Every day is full of hidden blessings that reflect His desire to reconcile and reclaim. 

Today, I am grateful for well-timed messages. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 46: Today, I am grateful for defrosters. 

I am too young to remember what it was like before defrosters on vehicles. I remember some of the improvements along the way, but it is easy to forget that not too long ago, traveling could be truly challenging in the winter months. 

At the touch of a button, the ice begins to melt and layers of ice melt to leave our vision clear. Clear vision is not something to be taken for granted. Modern technology is pretty amazing. 

I am reminded that we have a God who commands the elements. 

"Then, at his command, it all melts. He sends his winds, and the ice thaws." -Psalm 147:18

Since we have limited human powers, inventions like defrosters are game changing. 

Today, I am grateful for defrosters. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Reminders to Express Love


Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 45: Today, I am grateful for reminders to express love.  

Life can be unpredictable. There may not always be another chance to stop and say, “I love you.” God has blessed me with unexpected last “I love you” moments before a loved one was gone.  It is such a blessing if a last connection ends in an expression of love. 

Valentine’s Day is hyper-focused on one day and romantic love. These things are lovely, but a longstanding, enduring love that is full of grace, forgiveness, laughter, and shared moments is what makes life rich and sweet. I am grateful for forty Valentine’s Day celebrations with The Love of My Life. We are not perfect, but love covers our imperfections. 

 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8

Love is always the best choice.

Today, I am grateful for reminders to express love.  

Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Working Furnace

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 44: Today, I am grateful for a working furnace.  

I love my Carrier! We put in a new furnace several years ago when our air conditioner quit. It was time for a replacement and we were directed by friends in the business to a great model. We finished the summer in air conditioned comfort, but when it was time for the furnace to kick on, that was when I realized the true value in our Carrier.  

February is the last full month of the brutal winter weather. We are almost half way through the month.  It has sent a blast of frigid temperatures through the Midwest and other places.  A working furnace is more than a luxury. It is a necessity. 

The next time you are irritated by the cold weather, remeto be thankful of you have a working furnace at home, at work, and in the car.

Today, I am grateful for a working furnace. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025



Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 43: Today, I am grateful for companionship. 

This verse is perfect. Yes, it is God’s Word. So of course, it is perfect, but it is a verse that requires no context. It is a simple, deep, and everlasting truth. 

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” -Deuteronomy 31:8

Some of God’s word requires an understanding of the context or the culture. He can always speak to us through His Word, but some passages stand on their own with the strength of His promises sealed in covenants made with man. 

It is a verse that sums up the presence of the Holy One in our lives when we seek His face with our whole hearts. 

He goes before us. That is protection!
He goes with us. That is companionship! 
He will not leave us. That is commitment!
He will not forsake us. That is loyalty! 
We need not fear. That is safety! 
We need to be discouraged.  He is in the depression busting business. 

We are loved beyond measure and never alone. He is faithful. He is with us. 

Today, I am grateful for companionship. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Love is Persistent

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 42: Today, I am grateful love is persistent.

A list of “Great Quotes on Love” included this quote:

True love isn’t perfect; it’s patient, kind, and persistent.” 

It is borrowed from scripture.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthian 13:4-7

There is so much to unpack in that one little chapter. We can spend a lifetime trying to get it right. We are never perfect, but we cannot give up on love. 

What is true love? It is a perfect commitment to an imperfect person. Love is strengthened by gratitude and grace. 

We do not have to be married to experience the joy of true love. It was shown to us by Jesus in the most incredible way. 

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” -Romans 5:8 

Before we loved him, He loved. 

Love bears all things and does not give up. Love bore all things on a cross… where He waits to cover us with his love by His blood.  

Today, I am grateful love is persistent.