Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Crippled Lamb


Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 348: Today, I am grateful for "The Crippled Lamb."

It is one of my all time favorite Christmas stories. It captures the wonder of the night Jesus was born from the perspective of some of the animals in the stable. It is a perfect story that centers around a crippled lamb named Joshua and a wise old cow named Abigail who mothered him through life's heartaches. 

Abigail's wisdom ran deep. Joshua was often left with her in the stable, because his imperfect leg would not allow him to keep up with the shepherds and the flocks when they would go to the far pastures. They developed a special friendship. She was a comforter and an encourager when other lambs were mean to him. She would tell him:

"Don't be sad little Joshua. God has a special place for those who feel left out." -Abigail, the Old Brown Cow

If this book is not on your shelf, it is the perfect Christmas book to give. It captures the special story of the night Jesus from a different perspective. If you enjoy the story of "The Little Drummer Boy," you will love "The Crippled Lamb." 

We get so caught up in today's troubles that we forget our God is a "big picture" God with a timeline that stretches into eternity. Our God never hurries and he never shows up late. His timing is usually a mystery until it is in the rearview mirror... sometimes for generations. 

"They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger." -Luke 2:16

The fictional tale captures some of the wonder of that very special night. The world looks at strength, prestige, power, and wealth. The Lord looks at the heart. 

Today, I am grateful for "The Crippled Lamb."

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