Sunday, January 26, 2025



Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 26: Today, I am grateful for oil. 

The older I get, the more special the 23rd Psalm becomes. I used to associate it with the sadness of funerals. It is appropriate for funerals, but in celebration... not sadness. 

Anointing someone's head with oil is still done when praying for healing for the sick. Many oils have healing properties and health benefits. Olive oil was the most common oil in the Bible. It is still a mainstay in diets all over the world. We continue to hear of the many health benefits of olive oil. 

"you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." -Psalm 23:5

My daily Bible Study often dives deep into Hebrew and Greek. I enjoy learning how the original languages are different and difficult to translate into English. It helps me grow. 

This week I was reminded that Messiah(Mashiach in Hebrew) and Christ (Christos in Greek) both imply "the anointed one." In ancient Israel, anointing with oil was a symbolic act of setting someone apart for a holy purpose. Pretty incredible, right? 

It gets better. I dug a little further, with the 23rd Psalm echoing in my head. Why did ancient shepherds pour oil on the heads of their sheep? 

1. The rams in breeding season would fight for the ewes attention. Pouring oil on a ram's head meant it might slip when attempting to fight another ram, preventing a locking of horns and potential injury or death. 

2. Oil was part of the shepherd's arsenal of wellness tools. The oil helped keep the sheep well in the fight against parasites and nose flies, even before we understood the science. (Today, most shepherds use ivermectin to prevent the parasites.)

3. Oil has healing properties. Wounds often come as a result of a sheep's incessant curiosity and bad decisions. 

Wow! That has spiritual implications, right?

The Good Shepherd is our healer and rescuer. He provides all that we need. 

Today, I am grateful for oil. 

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