Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Men Like Herb

Gratitude Year 12- Day 220: Today, I am grateful for men like Herb.

This scripture has been flooding my thoughts since our dear friend, Herb, took his first breath of Heaven on Monday morning. 

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

It sums up Herb perfectly. He sought the Lord with a faithful heart. He raised his children and grandchildren to know "The Way" that leads to life. He loved the earth and cared for its creatures. He loved the Lord, his family, the church, the land, the Morton community, and serving others. 

Herb could tell a story well and would always ask "How's your family doing?" He was always interested in the crops "over there." I loved the farm talk and the Roth family provided it. Herb and Darlene took us in when we were newlyweds and always made room for us at the table. 

It was as if they were "caring for orphans." We were not real orphans, but our family was far away. They would often check with Jill to make sure I wasn't home alone on a holiday. I remember times we had a vehicle down that we would end up with the "old brown truck." It wasn't fancy, but it was faithful. My Dad would have done the same, but he wasn't close. God gave us Herb and Darlene. 

Herb loved our kids, too. Grandparents Day in Morton is a big deal. One of my favorite pictures is of Ryan, Chase, and Emma with Grandma Darlene and Papa Herb at Morton Jr. High's Grandparent's Day. They insisted Chase join the picture. Who knew that picture would be shared at Chase and Emma's wedding?

Walker was younger than the rest of the kids, but Papa Herb talked to him like he was one of the big kids. He listened to what Walker had to say and Jill would often share tidbits of the conversations. I know they would stop at the Grain Elevator and see him. The kids knew Papa Herb had candy (I think it was Tootsie Rolls). 

Hospitality was just as much Herb's gift as Darlene's. Countless people stayed with them over the years. He delighted in sharing. His heart was generous. Doing the right thing was the way his compass was set, with Jesus being his true North.

Heaven rejoices. Herb is delighted to be in the presence of his Savior. Heavenly reunions must be unbelievably sweet. His life was long and full, but he will be deeply missed.

Today, I am grateful for men like Herb.

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