Friday, August 16, 2024

Summer Splendor - God's Goodness

Gratitude Year 12- Day 229: Today, I am grateful for the snapshot of God's goodness in the splendor of summer.  

The artist who created this image included over a dozen passages on the goodness of God.    The butterflies and flowers look summery to me. Summer's bounty shouts that our God is generous to His children. His provision is often ample, and always enough. 

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." -Psalm 107:1

Forever is a long, long time. 

Savor the sweet moments. Lift your face to the sun. Smell the flowers and fresh breeze. 

 Today, I am grateful for the snapshot of God's goodness in the splendor of summer.

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