Monday, February 10, 2025

The Measure of Love

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 41: Today, I am grateful for a measure of love.

Everywhere you look this week we see hearts, flowers, jewelry, and chocolate. Valentine’s Day holds over-the -top pressure to “get it right.” The media drives this pressure. 

Truly, a handwritten “love note” anny other day of the year may be even better! 

I love this quote from one of my favorites:

“The measure of our love is our willingness to be inconvenienced.” -Elizabeth Elliot

She absolutely nailed it. The truth is in the evidence. I thoroughly enjoy mysteries and figuring out “whodunnit.” The crime solvers are always looking for where the evidence points. It can take a little time, but they usually figure it out. 

How do we measure love? Where does the evidence point? 

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” -1 John 3:18

“The proof is in the pudding” is an old saying. There are “proofs” in geometry, too. There is an old song that says, “Let your love show…”

When we love someone, we do not measure the inconveniences. We savor the moments. When it is for a spouse, our children, or our friends, our focus is adjusted in love. Yes, love is the lens we look through that not only makes us willing to be inconvenienced, but content to serve. 

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. Anything we do is small by comparison. Most of us would die to protect  our children and spouse. Soldiers often die protecting their brothers and sisters in arms. Jesus said, there is not greater love than to “lay down your life for another…a brother… a friend. That is the definition of inconvenience! 

Today, I am grateful for a measure of love.

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