Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 69: Today, I am grateful for "gokotta."
There are some words that have not English translation. We can learn so much from other cultures and languages. It is one of the reasons I love using blueletterbible.org for Bible study. It allows me a look into the original Hebrew and Greek when something is confusing.
Today is the first Monday of Daylight Savings Time and I learned a new Swedish word that made me pause and look for gratitude.
Gokotta: to wake up early in the morning with the purpose of going outside to hear the first birds sing.
It is always a rough morning. Losing an hour is never my favorite weekend of the year. Even when we plan ahead, our bodies take time to adjust. The thought of eagerly awaiting the first birdsong makes me smile. I love hearing the birds sing in the morning.
This morning came too early, but the first birdsong of the day is still magical and moving. Nature certainly cries out in worship. Wishing you a "gokotta" morning soon.
Today, I am grateful for "gokotta"
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