Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Weather Attitude Check

Daily Gratitude Year 13 - Day 64: Today, I am grateful for a weather attitude check.

The Midwest is famous for its weather mood swings. It is incredibly easy to jump on the "complain train" about the weather. I know. I am guilty! 

I am reminded of the power of gratitude when it comes to facing daily weather changes, challenges, and inconveniences. 

We need the rain, the heat, and even the cold that allows the earth to rest and restore. We can have our favorites, but all of them are a part of God's perfect design.

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." -Ephesians 5:20

We can be thankful for thirst quenching rains. We can delight in the sunny days that warm the earth for the flowers, the food, and the fun it brings. We can celebrate the snow that slows us down and quiets the earth so it can rest. 

I have to smile because fall is not in the picture. Apparently, the fall is pretty perfect.  Celebrate this day, whatever the season. In all things give thanks. 

Today, I am grateful for a weather attitude check.

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