Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall is here...Homecoming Parade 2012

The 2012 Morton High School Cross Country at the Homecoming parade.  Not much more to say about that!  I really think the faces tell the story.  These kids are driven and tough. They can finish what most of us would never start.  Walker has had another hard year with an injury to a quad muscle so he can't compete, but he goes to practice every day.  That makes him better than me.  I think I would give up - but that is what I love about this group...they never give up.  They cheer each other's victories and share the burdens of injury and missing the mark.  

I love this group not just for what they do - but for who they are. The happy faces, chatter between friends and evident camaraderie says it all. 

Savor the perfect fall day! My house is clean.  Youth Worship is prepared. Our 8th Grade baseball team is playing for a State Title today. My sons are together. I get to enjoy my husband.  All is well.  Enjoy the gifts of this day and the signs that Fall is here.


  1. I love this layout Valerie! Paper, right? Not digi. What a spirit your son has. I think I too would have given up. Bless his heart! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Digi Debbie...crazy how close it comes to the real thing. Thanks for your sweet thoughts.
