Thursday, November 9, 2023


Daily Gratitude Year Eleven-Day 312- Today, I am grateful for opportunities to "hurkle-durkle."

My friend, Patsy Alejandro Paterno, shared this "word of the day." Patsy and I connected over our mutual love of the scriptures and art. When this image popped up, I had to smile. It was just what I needed to read today. A new phrase to me, but an old Scottish term. 

I've been reading "Outlander" which is set in Scotland. I have, also, recently discovered we have a fair amount of Scottish ancestors. When Patsy shared this, it decided it was perfect for today's gratitude. 

The week has been so full. I look forward to the opportunity to "hurkle-durkle" this weekend. Lounging in bed, just because you can is a treat. We have had some fast and full weekends. Good things to do, but a little lounging is good, too.  

"On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work." -Genesis 2:2

Yes, rest is good! 

Today, I am grateful for opportunities to "hurkle-durkle."

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