Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Strength Training

Daily Gratitude Year Eleven-Day 319- Today, I am grateful for strength training.

I am not a weight lifter, but that was the image that came to mind when I read this passage of scripture today. 

"As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands." -Psalm 119:143

My friend, Joe, likes to say, "Muscle only grows in the presence of resistance." He is right. It is a physical training truth. For many, the ritual of going to the gym for strength training is a part of their weekly routine. For athletes, it is necessary to keep them performing at their best. Most have some kind of an exercise plan. I admire their discipline. 

As I was unwrapping this passage, it occurred to me that when the pressure and stress of life bear down on us, we have His Word and His commands to keep us on track. Like a training workout, it can test our limits and cause discomfort, but we grow stronger through the process. 

Over the years, I've heard so many reflect on their trials by acknowledging they would have never signed up for the struggle, but they grew spiritual muscles in the presence of resistance. When the struggle is real, so is the opportunity. 

Choose to press in. Choose to press on. Choose joy.

Today, I am grateful for strength training.

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