Year 4-Day 59: Today, I am grateful we can be bold in our souls.
Some weeks are long and leave us weak. Some trials seem never ending. Grief is a companion throughout life's journey. Illness may be a trial that goes on and on...until it comes to an end either in earthly healing or new life. Job loss. Relationship struggles. Managing life as a parent, an employee, a volunteer or any kind of caregiver...exhaustion finds new meaning.
When my soul cries out to the Lord...he always seems to answer.
Psalm 138:3 is a new favorite! The entire Psalm is great, but this little verse is a power house of hope, strength and comfort in fourteen little words, one comma and a powerful semicolon.
On the day I called, you answered me;
my strength of soul you increased. (a)
How about that footnote? Do you ever read them? Sometimes I do...sometimes I rush right through. So glad I paused today.
When a group of experts is working through a Bible translation from the original languages of the day...classical Hebrew, Aramaic...and the original translations of the Hebrew into Greek. There are moments that even the experts get stuck, pause, revisit the original and disagree on the BEST translation. Not always a "right or a wrong" but a better way to say it. That footnote means God moved among men who knew His Word was living...and choose to let it breathe by adding a footnote.
I believe that there are times that Bible scholars agree to disagree...and we get a footnote in our modern translation. This is one of those moments I am so very, very grateful they did.
This scripture speaks to the deepest part of my soul, so it is time for slow dig into the very simple but eloquent cries of David's heart and God's response.
ON THE DAY - Not tomorrow on next week, but on the day.
I CALLED - We have to make a move. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He won't force himself. He wants us to call, to invite and to form a two-sided relationship.
YOU ANSWERED ME - The One True God of Heaven and Earth makes house calls.
; - a semicolon-Pause because two ideas are then given equal position or rank (oh, grammar makes me happy!)
MY STRENGH OF SOUL - The strength of the part of us that is everlasting...the part God breathed into each of us. Our soul breath is strengthened for whatever the day may bring.
YOU INCREASED. - He increases our strength. Not on our own but the God of the Universe infuses our souls with the strength for even the hardest days. It is increased. It is...pause...enough!
'oz (pronounced in Hebrew with a long "o") is defined by Strongs as strength in various applications (force, security, majesty, praise):—boldness, loud, might, power, strength, strong. Many times , "oz" was used in other places as "strength for the battle".
David took on giant men and lions and won. He led armies into battle, experienced sin struggles, sent a man to his death so he could have his wife, chose to spare the life of the king who wanted him dead, buried a child. He understood the need for " 'oz".
David lived a complicated life that always simplified when he knelt before God in praise, prayer, submission and asked God to do life with Him...not just as a "Mr. Fix-it" when David messed up. Real relationship requires a partnership. God is God...but he chooses to be with us when we ask and seek His face with a sincere heart...not just a "to do" list.
Today, I am grateful we can be bold in our souls; He answers the cry of our heart.