We take abundance for granted. We have plentiful food. Clean water. Fresh air. Rain. A bed ...with pillows. Heat, air, electricity... and ceiling fans. Milk...eggs and coffee. We can live on that, right. With bacon. Bacon is meat candy (right Kent and Brenda?).
Today..when I feel like time is too short, deadlines come too swiftly and the summer is slipping away before it has even begun...I need to remember that I rest in His abundance in so many ways...every day.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, Ephesians 3:20
I take the "more" for granted. I need to sometimes stop and count the many little things I have every day that create abundance in my life. More than I need...and we are taught to pray "give us THIS DAY...our DAILY bread. Do I focus on the "more" and forget that today's daily bread...the "manna for the day"...is today's more.
He is the more. He is the peace and the calm in the storms. He is the joy in the moments. He is power in the play by play of this day. He is not just enough...He is more!
Today...I am grateful for the "more".
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