Sunday, December 31, 2017

He Is Enough - Year 5 Day 365

Daily Gratitude Year 5 -Day 365: Today, I am grateful another completed year of daily gratitude.

This world is full of trials and tribulation. Some will reflect on this past year with joy and others with tears. In truth, most of us will experience both of the course of 365 days. 

This year, my one little word has been "enough". I have prayed on it. Pondered it. Savored it. And, now... I will summarize the lessons of "Daily Gratitude-Year Five": In gratitude, He is enough. 

Brief history of this daily gratitude adventure. What began as a missed November 
2012 Facebook challenge to write a daily point of gratitude, became a January 2013 goal.  I would begin the year 2013 with one month of gratitude. I am not the biggest fan of winter, so I knew it would be good for my soul. By March 2013, I was hooked. 

Getting up every morning to spend time with the Lord and seeking his face with gratitude was life changing. Some days it comes easier than others, but I cannot even begin to put into words how "looking for the grateful spot" has made all the difference. Joy is fuller and sorrows are softened, when bow our heads in prayers of thankfulness before we lift our eyes to seek His face. 

1,826 (one Leap Year) Days of gratitude. Crazy, right? So... is Year Six on the horizon??? I always have to pause and contemplate another year.  It is a time commitment. I could do it privately on my own... but a public forum is accountability and I am truly humbled by how many stop by each day to share a minute of their day to share in daily gratitude, affirmation a post came out right...  or a word of encouragement. Here is each year in a nutshell:

Lessons in Gratitude- Year 1: "Gratitude doesn't change God, it changes us!" 

Lessons in Gratitude- Year 2: "Strength grows in a grateful heart." 
Lessons in Gratitude- Year 3: "Courage grows in a grateful heart."
Lessons in Gratitude - Year 4: "Vision clears in a grateful heart."
Lessons in Gratitude - Year 5: "In gratitude, He is enough." 

Am I done learning? Not even close. The world seems to be growing in impatience. It is so easy to get sucked into the doom, gloom and the woes. It is easy to feel helpless, but as long as we have hands to serve and feet (or a computer) to carry the good news, we can find His peace. Even in the most troubled times. 

Look at this verse of hope: 

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

Don't you love that last part? "But take heart; I have overcome the world." Note the pause... the semicolon. 

Take heart my friends. We can face 2018 knowing that Jesus' status is unchanged. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Good Shepherd and the Overcomer. He is our Prince of Peace, even in the most troubled times. He still hovers over the Earth, keeps the stars counted and knows the number of hairs on our head. Nothing is too hard or too much for Him. 

Thank you for sharing year five with me. Your companionship really does make it even better. I hope you will continue on this journey. Perhaps, you might start your own daily journal of one little gratitude a day.(or just try it for January or February)

If you prefer an easier read than Facebook:

Gratitude is amazing. The more we pour it out... the more we find to be grateful for in our daily, ordinary lives. It is soul satisfying and God pleasing. Gratitude doesn't change God. it changes us. In gratitude we discover, He is enough. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. We can pause to take in the fullness of the gift of each new day.

Today, I am grateful another year of daily gratitude.

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