Saturday, July 22, 2023

"A Little Help From My Friends"


Daily Gratitude Year Eleven-Day 204- Today, I am grateful "I get by with a little help from my friends." 

I love that song. It captures that life is awkward and silly... sad and fun, too. We get by with a little help from our friends. 

This passage came up this week in Bible study:
"If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad." -1 Corinthians 12:26  

It compliments Romans 12:15. 

Life is better together. When one suffers, we all feel the pain. When one is honored, we all rejoice together. Tears and cheers. This is what it means to do life together. 

My dear friend, Julie C. (not L.), lost her mother this week. The ache is deep and real. 

Mothers are special. Julie loved my Mama well when others found her Huntington's Disease oddities uncomfortable. Julie was the last one to get my Mama ready for an "earthly party", as she does that special work for our hometown funeral home. Mama's soul was already gone, but Julie made sure she was ready for her viewing. 

Julie loved her own Mama well, too. She made sure she felt loved and valued for all of her days. Juanita lived for her family and her faith. Now, Juanita is free from the limitation of an earthly body. She is happy, whole, and with Jesus. Those who were already there welcomed her with rejoicing... and with requests for her to make potato salad. She made the best potato salad!  

I don't really know if Heaven has kitchens, but it is fun to imagine.  

Today, I am grateful for "a little help from my friends." 

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