Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Invitation to "Remain In Me"

Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 252: Today, I am grateful for the invitation to "remain in Me." 

Stay is such a lovely word. It is an invitation that says I want you with me. We often think of the word in the romantic sense. 

The church is called the "Bride of Christ." What does that look like? 

I think it reminds us that once we say "yes" to an intimate relationship with Jesus and experience his goodness, we want to stay near to him. We do not want to be apart. 

 Being together brings a sense of contentment. Knowing we are loved, treasured, forgiven, wanted, and welcome is a special kind of love. That kind of love is powerful. It can act as a compass and as a comfort.

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me." -John 15:4

The picture is from a word study I did on the word "abide." In Greek, the word is Meno. It means to stay, to remain, to be held. The comparable Hebrew word is "Yashab." Yashab means to sit, to remain, and to dwell. It is the greatest of invitations. 

I once heard it described as steeping ourselves in Christ like a tea bag steeps in hot water. I love the image it conjures up in my head. The tea bag does not do much until you add the water. Hot water brews it to perfection faster than a cold sun-brewed option. Perhaps there is a lesson in that, too. 

Remain... abide... stay. 

Today, I am grateful for the invitation to "remain in Me." 

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