There is nothing that thrills my heart more than to be reminded that we are never to old to try, discover or learn something new. Never!
I relish watching 2 & 3-year-old children. Their capacity to learn seems limitless. Language, social skills, bathroom skills, gross motor and fine motor skills are developed. They display the ability to read people to get what they want. They persistent. They are a smart. And, at times... a little scary. I adore them. No one has set a learning limit for them.
Discovery and wonder are thrilling at any age. I think I have quoted Mama Ina Mae before but she lives by the motto "Learn something new every day.". She has always had a respect for teachers and always enjoyed teaching Sunday School and music. She taught music at Veronda's Music Studio from the time she was sixteen and until my birth. Then, she moved her music teaching to our country home.
She loves the music. She still does, but more than that, she loved teaching children to open their eyes and hearts to music's many wonders. She could be tough and would pull out the dreaded metronome when we could not quite nail the timing. Ugh. But, that push for excellence drove us to improve our skills. Learning tools made a difference. Practice could not be ignored. Potential was based on more than raw talent. Excellence came to those who kept their hearts, ears and eyes open to learning and then put in the practice hours. Learning usually requires a little effort.
Mama knew her teaching limits. She sent children on when the time was right. It thrilled her to take a student as far as she could...and then send them on. She was grateful for Olivet Nazarene University's music department nearby and her old friend, Dr.Ovid Young. Ovid directed music at her church when she was a young adult. She never hesitated to call him with questions or for an opinion. He always had time for her... and he was a busy man. But, he too, loved learning. Seeking guidance from experts is wise. It keeps us moving in the good directions.
God granted wisdom to Solomon when he asked. Look at Proverbs 1:1-7:
"To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing in righteousness, justice, and equity;
to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth. Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Memorizing and living by just these verses would provide a compass for a lifetime of learning. Instead, we are lavished with an entire book of wisdom we call Proverbs. There are many ways to learn. Reading, watching, apprenticeships, classes, coaching and in this day... a "YouTube" video. Learning for a lifetime is possible. A life of learning is full of promise and possibilities. Created in His image to seek His purpose.
What will we learn today? Where will it lead? It is a great day for an adventure.
Today, I am grateful learning lasts for a lifetime.
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