A card or a spoken word can express gratitude. Flowers. Gift cards. A simple hug. Baked goods or a meal invitation are all ways to express thanks. Moo-chas Grass-ias! A twist on the Spanish words for "thank-you".
This punny card made me smile. The cow is a cutie. The word play is fresh. The design simple. (If you find it adorable...search it out on Pinterest. Credit goes to the artist who can be found on Etsy. ) I love it!
Cows sprinkled on the hillside, grazing on green grass... what a beautiful sight. The black and white ones, like the one you see here, are typically Holsteins...dairy cattle. They eat grass and provide milk generously.
Dairy farming is hard word. The cows never take a day off, and neither do the hard working men, women and children who milk them. Just because so much is done by machine today, doesn't mean they slept in. When you care for animals of any kind... their good and well-being is always front and center. I am always grateful for milk...cheese... and butter. "Moo-chas Gass-ias" to the dairy farmers and their herds. That is the cow lesson for the day.
Gratitude can be expressed in countless ways for all of our days. Most people appreciate a "thank you", of any kind.
Our God loves when his people offer thanksgiving, songs of gratitude and speak of the life changing difference in our lives when we choose to be in relationship with him. God loves a cheerful heart and a grateful heart. Still, one of the biggest life lessons I have learned in recording daily gratitude (I can't believe we are in the last half of the year!) is this: "Gratitude doesn't change God; it changes me."
I suppose it is hard to be miserable and grateful at the same time. I am not sure it is even possible. It is what turns funerals into life celebrations. It makes health battles and struggles our growing grounds. It turns "all we have" into "enough". When we share... even from a small reserve... we find great joy.
We are nearing the season our church begins thinking about our locally distributed Thanksgiving Baskets. It is one of my favorite activities of the year (along with packing school kits). It is a multi-generational task that comes together the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Not everyone in our midst is wealthy. Some have lived through difficult seasons and for that reason find a greater pleasure in sharing. Those who have more... give generously... and everyone is important when we are packing and preparing to share. Our cup of happiness overflows in the giving. It is a very good day!
Gratitude changes our perspective. Changing our perspective changes everything. That sweet soul breath... a gift from the Father of all Creation...included our soul and the the power of choice. Uniquely in his image. Creative enough to find endless ways to offer gratitude until we give our last earthly breath back to him...and he gives us a new heavenly version. He is good! God is really good.
"I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;" -Psalm 138:1
"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!" -Psalm 143:10
Life is emotional at times. Handle with prayers of thanksgiving.
"Lord, let your spirit lead me on level ground. Let gratitude flow from the place in our souls that understands and celebrates our dependence on you. Let your spirit be our joy. Let our whole hearts offer gratitude - holding nothing back." amen
Today, I am grateful there are many ways to say "thank you".
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