Saturday, March 24, 2018

"Je ne sais quoi"

Year 6-Day 81: Today, I am grateful for "Je ne sais quoi." 

It translates, "I don't know what" but it really means when something is so special or unique it is indescribable. It can be attributed to an object, a person or a place. 

It is the piece of art that speaks to you. It is the scent of the rain on an old brick road in the place you grew up. It is the fragrance of corn tasseling mixed with fair food. It is that person who makes all your days better, simply by being there. I am not sure we have a true English equivalent of "Je ne sais quoi."

The French really do have a beautiful language. No wonder we find it romantic. 

I think there is something special about taking the opportunity to slow down. When we intentionally savor a time, a place or a person and embrace the beauty of their uniqueness. Our God delights in our individuality. It seems logical that he would want us to embrace it.  We don't have to chase after someone else's talents and gifts. We only need to offer our own to his service. 

He has planted each of us here at this time and this place, and he has given us a purpose. We are to make ourselves available to his service, embracing the gifts he gives each of us. Unique, full or promise and precious in His sight... that is how he sees His children. 

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. -Romans 12:4-7 

Yes, uniquely distributed for the common good. The Spirit of God at work in our lives produces those moments when we smile, because we know it was a "God thing". Words can't really describe it, but we can feel it. 

Today, I am grateful for "Je ne sais quoi." 

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