Friday, March 16, 2018

The Quiet

Year 6-Day 75: Today, I am grateful for the quiet.

Kelly Rae Roberts is a mixed media artist. Something about her art... perhaps it is all the layers, texture and words combined... that makes me smile. I find myself pausing to look at all the different layers and it never fails, I discover something I missed. This piece celebrates "the quiet".

In this age of technology, it seems we add more buzzes, beeps, tweets, twirps and alarms every day. I have found that the quiet moments are the most refreshing. In them, we can take deep, full breaths.

Psalm 46:10 is on the wall above my kitchen sink.

“Be still, and know that I am God."

Be quiet... and content... and still. This verse feels like a cozy blanket or a soothing lullaby. It stills my soul like few others do. It is one I've claimed as a life verse. We learn so much when we listen for the whispers from heaven in quiet moments. 

Jesus longed for the wilderness moments to pray and spend time with the Father, away from distractions and demands. In the quiet, there is a unique intimacy not found in the crowds. Worshiping as a community is important, but there is something special in the quiet, prayerful moments.

Today, I am grateful for the quiet.

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