Daily Gratitude Year 4-Day 293: Today, I am grateful for optimism and the cha-cha.
"Taking a step forward after a step backward is on a disaster... it's a cha-cha."
Yes, our God is good. How do I know? Because he put us here to live, love, laugh, learn and dance as we get to know him better.
Optimism, like dance, is an art. It is re-framing the struggles into something we can manage. I do not mean to minimize the trials in life. The struggle is real, but we are never alone.
Joseph is one of my favorite Biblical examples. He had his highs and his lows. God allowed him smaller struggles to build his strength, trust and character. Then, what I feel was the biggest test of all, was how Joseph handled his brothers when they came face to face after a lifetime of separation.
The brothers who sold him into slavery and separated him from his Dad and little brother stood before him with not one clue as to who he was. Joseph controlled the anger, bitterness and pain of the past and embraced that because at that very moment he saw clearly that God had been with him every step of the way and in that moment, he understood. He would save his family from starvation.
His people survived, thrived and grew into the promise of a great nation. Some would have sought true revenge. Joseph held on to God's hand in the struggle and came out of it... literally...golden.
"I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.”-Psalm 40:8
I believe Joseph was an optimist. He knew that any step backward after a step forward was not the end. We now know... it's a cha-cha.
Today, I am grateful for optimism and the cha-cha.
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