And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.-Colossians 3:17
I need this reminder to day. A sweet, timely conversation with my Sister-in-love Jennifer, was what I needed last night. Good for the soul. Encouragement through conversation is always good. There was much to catch up on and plan.
Then, I am reminded that tonight is another night for baseball.
This is game 3 of the World Series 2016. Our Cubbies are in it for the first time since 1945. The competition has had a long dry spell, too. We have to remember that these men know each other. Coaches and managers have at times been on the same team. They are all a part of baseball and now baseball history. Press on.
Today, I know there are good men on both teams. I know there are Mama's who love their babies and wives and families who have sacrificed in the name of baseball. I remember Susan Sarandon in the movie "Bull Durham" who honestly confessed that baseball was her religion. Tonight... there were be prayers said, but more importantly... conduct and character will show through.
Baseball's best of the season as a team are in these games. I love reading their stories and learning who they are. I am impressed that several chose education and degrees first... over baseball. How the money must have tempted. Knowing it is a young man's game, they put education before the game. Fascinating.
Each of us must make daily decisions. Whatever we do, who do we serve? No man can serve two masters.
Baseball was fortunate that some great athletes survived college ball to make in the pros. A good number are on the Wrigley Field tonight. Choices. Dreams. So much more will be on our TV screen. The sweet thing about both teams... they feel the wonder of this moment. Just showing up at the game tonight is a dream come true.
Play hard. Play fair. Trust your heart. Know who you are there to serve. Give thanks. It is a great day to be a Cubs fan (and an Indians fan). It will be a night of fan-demonium.
Tonight is another game. Hearts are beating fast. But, each one of has much to do before we take our seat on the sofa... and for some fortunate ones... in the bleachers. Every one of us has much to do and a purpose - before we sit.
Today, I will try to make good choices in word and deed. No one can "do it all" so we can choose with a purpose and great possibilities. Be present. Engage. Live fully in this moment. It only comes once.
Today, I am grateful for reminders that I can't do it all and all I can do needs purpose.
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